ill be taking clen with ketotifen for 7 weeks during the cycle, 100mcg ed, t3 pyramiding for 4 weeks, and here are the real questions. i have 35 winny injections, 32 fina injections, and if i break the test suspension into 50mg ed instead of 100 ill have 40 injections. so should i run the test suspension @ 50mg ed for 40 days or should i take it at 100mg ed for 20 days and throw some prop in afterwards? my fina is 100mg/ml so should i break that into 50mg ed or leave it at 100mg ed for 32 days and just make some more to finish the cycle? same thing with the winny, i only have 32 injections to last 48 days, should i buy some more or should i reduce my daily doses from 50mg to 25mg? thanks for the help everyone,