ok, bare with me while i attempt to explain this...
this morning i drew 75mgs of Prop into my syringe. as always, no problems. then i grabbed my EQ and drew what i thought was 1CC into the same syringe.
here's the dilemma..i drew around 3/4 more EQ than i anticipated...i'm guessing because it was early in the morning & i was delirious.
anyhow, instead of injecting the entire 2.5CC's of prop/eq, i decided to unload the excess 3/4's i over-drew in the first place, back into the EQ vial because i am obsessive compulsive. haha
now, here's my question...is there a "weight" difference between EQ & Prop? i'm assuming there is, but which is heavier? i'm hoping that when i unloaded the excess, it was only EQ & not a combo of EQ/Prop.
i'm injecting Prop ED & i don't want to **** up my blood levels by underdosing myself. what are the chances that the unloaded gear was a combo of EQ/Prop? keep in mind, i didnt shake the fluid or run the syringe under hot water to mix the fluids...