Can anyone give some advice. I am new to this site and have read over some very helpful info.

I am 6' 2'' and 231lbs. and a few days away from the 30yr. old mark. I have been lifting off and on for 10 years and have done gear in my early 20's (halo, e-test, d-bol). I have been taking a pro-horm Methyl-Depot from G.A.T. and have seen some good strength. I have as much mass as I can handle and need to cut/drop down to 190-195lbs. My history is I have always been skinny around about 160lbs and then from the age 20-29 I have been bulking and have been at 231lbs for about 5 years now. I have been eating clean now for about a month and a half to kick start things. My game plan is as follows:

Clen /Cyto pyramid stack cycled with Propion-Test EOD.

Nothing to extreme but I need to loose fat, FAST! I am adding the Prop-Test because I have some and I don't want to loose to much muscle while cutting. Should I still take an estrogen blocker with taking the Prop-Test? I was thinking about Proviron but don't know if I need it with taking the Clen/Cyto..... Can anyone give some advice? All reply's are welcomed.... I am heavy in fat in the belly and chest now and can't stand it!