Hey guys what's up? I am going to start my 4th cycle in a few months and I am starting to gather all my supplies. I was thinking a test/tren/d-bol cycle with a 4week jumpstart with anadrol. My first cycle was deca alone at a mere 400mgs a week...I know, what the hell was I thinking?Anyway, my second was test cyp at 500mg/wk and deca at 600mg/wk and my third was omindren at 750wk, d-bol 45mg/day, tren 400wk. I never really ate a lot on my cycles so the gains I made were pretty solid, usually 10-14lbs. This next cycle I'm gonna bite the bullet and really eat to grow like I should have done from the start!
I was thinking of running sustanon at 1250/wk 14weeks, d-bol up to 45mgs/day, and tren at about 600/wk. Any suggestions on dosages, intervals, or ANYTHING would be appreciated. I will take letro during the cycle and tamox/clomid PCT. Should I throw in IGF-lr3 at 80mcg/day for 30 days...will that help me a lot?
Stats: 22(23 in july) 6'2" 220lbs, 10-14% bodyfat, arms 18", chest 50", quads 26"...bench 365x1, squat 405x2. I have been training for 7 years
I really need to put my diet under the microscope for this cycle...how fast should I up my calories? I was leaning towards 300cals/day for the first week and another 300/day for the second and so on until I reach about 4000cals/day. I will try to keep 40% protein 40%carbs 20%fat. Again, I am open to suggestions