hey guys,

this site is awesome, the help and advice you guys provide is really a good thing, so thanks. heres the deal, im 22, about 6'2" and have been working out consistently (5 days a week) for the past 2.5 years. Ive always been skinny and it seems to run in the family. I started at 150 lbs and have gotten up to 180 or so with 6.5% BF. my diet has really gotten serious in the last year and im on a pretty good schedule concerning sleep and training. basically i was looking for advice on my diet and how to maximize my gains before using gear. also, i would like some help on a good first cycle to start researching even though i probably wont use for a while because im not gonna be stupid. heres the diet:

10:00 - 6 egg whites 2 yolks and 2 pieces of toast
11:00 - oatmeal with toast
11:30 - protein bar and water
12:00 - chicken breast with broccoli and zucchini
1:00 - protein shake with banana
2:00 - work out
3:15 - protein shake with banana
4:40 - chicken breast with potatoes
5:30 - turkey sandwhich with greens, tomatoes, avo, etc.
7:00 - steak or porkchops with carrots and broccoli
8:30 - protein shake with banana
10:00 - apple and cottage cheese
11:00 - bed

so thats it. any suggestions would be really appreciated. it seems i have maxed out in the last month or so, but im sure theres more i can do naturally, i just dont know what it is. let me know cause i want to do a good amount on my own (without juicing). when i get to the point where i could use gear, what is a good cycle for a first timer? thanks.