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Thread: help with cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    help with cycle

    I'm into my fifth week of 400mg's of cyp and 100mg's of prop. total a week. I divide it into 2 shots a week. I'm 5'9" 260 and my friend is on the same stuff as well. He weighs 185. My question is should I up my dose since he is making better gains then me? I've only put on like 6 pounds and my strength isn't up that much. He is making awesome gains in strength and weight. What do you all think? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Musclehead21
    I'm into my fifth week of 400mg's of cyp and 100mg's of prop. total a week. I divide it into 2 shots a week. I'm 5'9" 260 and my friend is on the same stuff as well. He weighs 185. My question is should I up my dose since he is making better gains then me? I've only put on like 6 pounds and my strength isn't up that much. He is making awesome gains in strength and weight. What do you all think? Thanks!

    OK, several issues here. One, different people and genetics do have somethign to do with gains ALLTHOUGH, I would think that it is more to do with DIET and TRAINING. I think you should look there first.
    Second 100mgs of PROP/week???? WHY?? Prop needs to be shot ED or at the very least EOD to be of ANY good to you due to the short fast acting ester in it. If you are using it to kick start the CYP, then you are NOT helping yourself with only 100/week

    What are you and your partner's STATS?? age, height, weight, BF%, diet habits, training habits, years of Natty Training, GOALS for this cycle. Length of this cycle, Previous cycles, PCT knowledge for this cycle

    This will help determine the correct actions to take BEFORE you worry about Uping the doses.

    Hope this helps


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    the cyp has prop in it. I can't do anything about that. My goal is just size and strength. I was just pointing out that I outweigh him by about 80 pounds. I have done prosteroids and prohormones before he has not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I am 23 and have been training for 8 years, about 6 years seriously. My raw bench is 550, squat is around 625 and deadlift is 650. This is my first cycle of injection anabolics.

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