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  1. #1
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Newbies or anyone new to AAS....please read

    I am a newbie myself, and by no means experienced and able to give advice on the topic. However, I can share my own personal experience with others, so they do not get in the same pitfall as myself. This is for anyone who is new to the AAS world, and is thinking about their first cycle. This is all my own experience, so take it with a grain of salt if you will. Heres my story.

    I am 23 years old, been working out on and off for about 5 years. I took a 6 month hiatus because I got lazy about a year ago, and began working out ritually about 9~10 months ago, ~7 months before I took my first shot. Now I did alot of research into this area, and thought I had figured it all out. Well I started shooting when I thought I was ready, but I was far from it. I have done everything to the best of my ability and have seen and enjoyed the gains I have gotten. I started about 233 lbs, 16~17 % bf, I am starting week 8 today, and currently weigh 253, and trimmed down to around 14~15% bf. Now saying I work my ass off at the gym is an understatement and my diet is very good. What I was not prepared for is the joint pains, aches and pains getting out of bed and shortness of breath. Another thing that bothers me is when I bend my arms upward for any more than a minute or two, like when I am on the phone, I lose circulation to my arms. I was told by my doctor this is all from growing too fast. Whether it is or not, whos to say. One thing I know is tendons and ligaments dont benefit from juicing(for the most part), and therefore can hurt and become severely damaged from excessive weight. This is the situation i am facing right now. My joints, tendons and ligaments cant handle the weight I try and put up. I went from a 75 lb(struggling) preacher before, to 135 lbs now(could easily go more, but wrists say no-no), 70lb skull crushers to 130, etc etc you get my drift. My wrists feel like they are going to snap, and my elbows feel like they are going to pop, but my muscles want more. What I am getting at is listen to the people who say work out at least a year to two before doing any juicing. That way you wont suffer like I am. Cheers.
    Last edited by new2thepin; 06-02-2006 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Sucks to have to learn from the experience, but thank you for sharing it with us. Too many younger people (under 25) think to take the easy way out is by using AAS and learn the hard way. Wish they would just understand that we tell them to wait ONLY for their own health!!

    Thanks again for sharing

  3. #3
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    Good post and good simple advice - hope it helps a few that read it.

    Good call on not pushing for more.
    Hang in there and let us know how the cycle ends.

  4. #4
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    I just think everyone(including myself) has the "it wont happen to me mentality" and take what others say in vane. I have found throughout my life that usually if people older than you give you similar advice on the same topic, it is more than likely true. Case and point-my current situation. I have to start remembering what I just said and follow the advice now. But like I said already its usually a matter of "it wont happen to me". Now for another situation I have....

    I usually take a prescription for test because I have naturally low levels. I stopped taking it when I started the test e, so I have a 3 month supply of it. I know this is a dumb question, but will I have to do pct if I go back on it right after i finish my cycle? My thoughts are no, but what are the more experienced opinions?

  5. #5
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    My opinion is yes on the PCT - you didn't say how much you were taking, but I imagine it to be quite a bit higher than the prescribed amount.

    The whole purpose of Post Cycle Therapy is to get your body back to normal test levels and producing it on its own. If you have this spike in intake and you don't let your body adjust normally you may be playing around with your hormone levels for months.

    You would also want to check in with your doctor and have blood work done after the PCT to see where all your values are and if the prescribed dosage still stands.

  6. #6
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    I just wonder about pct because my body couldnt produce it on its own, regardless of what was tried(both herbal and prescribed). I may be screwed then if I have to rely on getting my natural levels up on their own. Maybe the doc will up the dosage then...

  7. #7
    rockhardman's Avatar
    rockhardman is offline Associate Member
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    Well it depends also wut kind of supplements u take,correct form,try different angles Bodybuilding for me is knowing how long ur own tendons n ligaments are for example i always see bigger bodybuilders going real heavy but snaping their arms or just plain not taking some kind of healthy oil, fat to cushion ur joints but for me my warming up is as serious as working out

  8. #8
    curca's Avatar
    curca is offline Banned
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    totally agree..good post

  9. #9
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockhardman
    Well it depends also wut kind of supplements u take,correct form,try different angles Bodybuilding for me is knowing how long ur own tendons n ligaments are for example i always see bigger bodybuilders going real heavy but snaping their arms or just plain not taking some kind of healthy oil, fat to cushion ur joints but for me my warming up is as serious as working out
    I dont agree. I think no matter what supplement you take, if your body isnt ready for the beating its going to take while shooting anything, youre in for trouble. You may be correct partially if your talking about years of preparation. Nothing will help your joints catch up to muscle growth of taking for example test e. Especially if you have not done it leading up to the cycle, which is the audience I am telling my story too.

  10. #10
    Streaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by new2thepin
    I just wonder about pct because my body couldnt produce it on its own, regardless of what was tried(both herbal and prescribed). I may be screwed then if I have to rely on getting my natural levels up on their own. Maybe the doc will up the dosage then...

    Start your own thread about this. If your own HRT even at a low dose it means your doc has totaly given up on you ever making your own test again. Test will shut you down your natural test even at low levels. By not taking your test for a while you are going with out any test at all. Why would you do this . Oh and don't answer me here. Start a new thread.

  11. #11
    Streaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by new2thepin
    I am a newbie myself, and by no means experienced and able to give advice on the topic. However, I can share my own personal experience with others, so they do not get in the same pitfall as myself. This is for anyone who is new to the AAS world, and is thinking about their first cycle. This is all my own experience, so take it with a grain of salt if you will. Heres my story.

    I am 23 years old, been working out on and off for about 5 years. I took a 6 month hiatus because I got lazy about a year ago, and began working out ritually about 9~10 months ago, ~7 months before I took my first shot. Now I did alot of research into this area, and thought I had figured it all out. Well I started shooting when I thought I was ready, but I was far from it. I have done everything to the best of my ability and have seen and enjoyed the gains I have gotten. I started about 233 lbs, 16~17 % bf, I am starting week 8 today, and currently weigh 253, and trimmed down to around 14~15% bf. Now saying I work my ass off at the gym is an understatement and my diet is very good. What I was not prepared for is the joint pains, aches and pains getting out of bed and shortness of breath. Another thing that bothers me is when I bend my arms upward for any more than a minute or two, like when I am on the phone, I lose circulation to my arms. I was told by my doctor this is all from growing too fast. Whether it is or not, whos to say. One thing I know is tendons and ligaments dont benefit from juicing(for the most part), and therefore can hurt and become severely damaged from excessive weight. This is the situation i am facing right now. My joints, tendons and ligaments cant handle the weight I try and put up. I went from a 75 lb(struggling) preacher before, to 135 lbs now(could easily go more, but wrists say no-no), 70lb skull crushers to 130, etc etc you get my drift. My wrists feel like they are going to snap, and my elbows feel like they are going to pop, but my muscles want more. What I am getting at is listen to the people who say work out at least a year to two before doing any juicing. That way you wont suffer like I am. Cheers.
    Great post. So many newbies don't post because they are worried they don't know enough. Most on this site are newbies so advice like this really helps.

  12. #12
    Biggyb is offline Junior Member
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    peace out y all
    nice post ive been back working out for a year and have all my gear in place and was planning on starting my first injection on june 15 but i just have the feeling i am not quite ready because i am still growing like a weed natty. im now thinking of putting it on hold for another 12 weeks and this thread really hit home for me

  13. #13
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Streaker

    Start your own thread about this. If your own HRT even at a low dose it means your doc has totaly given up on you ever making your own test again. Test will shut you down your natural test even at low levels. By not taking your test for a while you are going with out any test at all. Why would you do this . Oh and don't answer me here. Start a new thread.
    How can the thread be hijacked when its my own??? Anyways, read the other post about this.

  14. #14
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    My bad. It just jumped subject so much I didn't think it was from the same person. I tend to speed read a little too much.
    Any way if your body can't make enough of it's own test and your doc is giving you test even at a low doesage your shut down. If you were to run a good PCT you still would not be up to par.
    So what's the point of running a PCT? Just keep up with your low dossage of test from your doc.

  15. #15
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Streaker
    My bad. It just jumped subject so much I didn't think it was from the same person. I tend to speed read a little too much.
    Any way if your body can't make enough of it's own test and your doc is giving you test even at a low doesage your shut down. If you were to run a good PCT you still would not be up to par.
    So what's the point of running a PCT? Just keep up with your low dossage of test from your doc.
    No problem man. I agree with you on the prognosis, but figured I would ask the experienced crowd. I figure since I physically cant produce it, pct isnt going to do anything for me. Hopefully my organs will forgive me for my sins someday(excessive drinking and steroid abuse at a young age).

  16. #16
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    Didn't know you were not producing test at all - if I were in your shoes, I'd drop the cycle and go see the doctor. Let the doc know what you've been up to and ask what they suggest.

    I'll be curious as to what doc says - let us know if you go that route.

    And change your user name to "smartaboutthepin"

    Thanks for sharing brother - best of luck.

  17. #17
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    Didn't know you were not producing test at all - if I were in your shoes, I'd drop the cycle and go see the doctor. Let the doc know what you've been up to and ask what they suggest.

    I'll be curious as to what doc says - let us know if you go that route.

    And change your user name to "smartaboutthepin"

    Thanks for sharing brother - best of luck.
    The doctor is well aware of the fact I dont produce it. My thoughts going into this were "if I am not producing it now, doing a cycle wont hurt my production." I was diagnosed with low production 3 years ago. I have gone through every medicine and method to jump start it, but to no avail. So now they just supplement it.

  18. #18
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    many factors could cause the problems ur having im not trying to sugar coat sides by no means but u should have lite days in the gym as well as heavy
    heavy all the time u break down joints and cartilage when u do a series of light workouts it is proven that those breakdowns r reversed(but it just doesnt heal rt away).so try going 2 weeks heavy and 1 week light impact trust me when i tell u this is factual study.i had the same problem with my wrists and elbows(i went from 156lbs to 192lbs in ten weeks so i had to do my research on this cause it became to painful to bare)and implied this method and it helped me a great deal no more pains.
    also diet has an effect on breakdown in bone and cartilage.when u take in mass amounts of protien ur body has to take the calcuim from ur bones and other places to brakedown and store proteins for energy try taking in a calcuim supp, coral calcuim worked really well for me,give it a shot and imply those light impact weeks give ur joints and ligiments time to rest.this is a slow process but be patient it will get better

    and yes u should try to reach ur natrual potentiol before using aas if not u r only cheating urself
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 06-02-2006 at 08:01 PM.

  19. #19
    new2thepin is offline New Member
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    Well I knew the problems I was having were gonna catch up to me. Tore my rotator cuff monday evening while training my shoulders. I felt real good going into the workout, did a few excercises and then militaried as usual. Hit my max from the week before of 315 with ease. Threw 325 on the rack, pushed it up once and had a severe pain shoot threw my shoulder. Luckily had a spot, he grabbed the bar and helped me get it down. Intense pain all monday night whenever I even moved my arm. MRI results came in this morning and torn rotator cuff is the diagnosis. This really really sucks. My lifting career is definately oh hold now, indefinately. Learn from my stupidy people. Dont shoot until your body is 100% conditioned for it. I will keep you all updated.

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