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  1. #1
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Done my first cycle

    I just finished my TBol only cycle 50mg a day for 6 weeks... and I feel great. Gained 15 pounds of lean, hard muscle.

    How long do I need to wait after my PCT for my next cycle? What should my next cycle be? And what should my dosage of nolvadex be for this PCT?

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    If you have to ask US what your next cycle should be, then you are NO WAY ready to be doing AAS period!!! We do not know what your goals are. and we certainly would not have recomended you doing a Tbol only cycle !!!!! what is your PCT and how long are you running it, STATS are needed. age, height weight BF% diet training GOALS etc.....

  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    rule of thumb is time on + PCT = time off. Are you only using nolva in your PCT? I would run nolva and clomid

  4. #4
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    If you have to ask US what your next cycle should be, then you are NO WAY ready to be doing AAS period!!! We do not know what your goals are. and we certainly would not have recomended you doing a Tbol only cycle !!!!! what is your PCT and how long are you running it, STATS are needed. age, height weight BF% diet training GOALS etc.....
    Calm it down there SMan

    I posted before I took the cycle and many agreed that it was a good initial cycle to take. I was wondering how long before I should start my next one.

    For my next cycle, I want to bulk up. I'm 23, 5 10, 190 pounds, have been lifting for 10 years. Unsure what my body fat is. But I'm going to guess it's lower than most's.

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution
    Calm it down there SMan

    I posted before I took the cycle and many agreed that it was a good initial cycle to take. I was wondering how long before I should start my next one.

    For my next cycle, I want to bulk up. I'm 23, 5 10, 190 pounds, have been lifting for 10 years. Unsure what my body fat is. But I'm going to guess it's lower than most's.

    Oh I am calm....lolol Just that we get hundreds of members that do a cycle THEN come on here asking for help after the fact that they screwed up.....

    Well, I would still suggest your next cycle to be a single ester test only cycle so that you will know how your body will react to the ester you choose, I would suggest test E or Cyp 12 weeks, 500mgs/week
    Bulking will depend on your diet and you should get great gains from this.

    As far as how long to wait, Longhorn covered that just fine.

    Hope this helps

  6. #6
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Oh I am calm....lolol Just that we get hundreds of members that do a cycle THEN come on here asking for help after the fact that they screwed up.....

    Well, I would still suggest your next cycle to be a single ester test only cycle so that you will know how your body will react to the ester you choose, I would suggest test E or Cyp 12 weeks, 500mgs/week
    Bulking will depend on your diet and you should get great gains from this.

    As far as how long to wait, Longhorn covered that just fine.

    Hope this helps
    Is 12 weeks the normal time for a test only cycle? Seems long

    And why not stack it with something DBol for 6 weeks? DBol should bulk me up well.

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution
    Is 12 weeks the normal time for a test only cycle? Seems long

    And why not stack it with something DBol for 6 weeks? DBol should bulk me up well.
    Not really long when you consider that Test E or Cyp does not fully kick in until somewhere between weeks 6-8
    Since this is your second cycle, you could stack it BUT the whole point of doing Test Only for your FIRST cycle is that Test should be the base in most every cycle. Therefore learning how your body react to it from the begining is very benificial for future cycles, YOU are the scientist here and your body is the lab rat!!
    Since you didnt' use Test in your first cycle, you do not know how your body is going to react to it.

    SO, if you add other compounds in NOW, you will really be screwed if you start to get side effects because you will have NO clue what compound is giving them to you for future reference.

    So you have to be an efficient scientist!! Know how your body reacts to the test, then the next cycle you can add ONE compound or two if you use one in the begining and one in the end. BUT you keep adding to your knowledge base from the test and learn what works for your body and what doesnt'

    We have general knowledge of AAS, but each one of us is different so the only way to know FOR SURE wether we will get side effects or not is to actually use it and document your results

    hope this helps

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution
    Is 12 weeks the normal time for a test only cycle? Seems long

    And why not stack it with something DBol for 6 weeks? DBol should bulk me up well.
    Yes, 12 weeks is normal for a test only cycle.. and yes you can run dbol for 1-4 or 1-6 weeks for more of a bulk... btw great job on your cycle.. I ran test/tbol and loved it.. prob running var and tbol soon..

  9. #9
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    by the way elexectution- how was the strength gains on the tbol only?

  10. #10
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    oh yea: listen to the sman.. he knows his stuff!!

  11. #11
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Yes, 12 weeks is normal for a test only cycle.. and yes you can run dbol for 1-4 or 1-6 weeks for more of a bulk... btw great job on your cycle.. I ran test/tbol and loved it.. prob running var and tbol soon..
    I loved TBol...

    TBol and var probably will be great for vascular and lean gains. I can only imagine... I didn't experience 1 single side effect from TBol... except for the occasional mild headache which was barely noticable

    As for your strength gain question, I didn't max out yet, so I can't give a valid enough response. I'll be doing this tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know.

    What were the results on Test E/TBol?

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