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  1. #1
    WonderMikeJ's Avatar
    WonderMikeJ is offline Junior Member
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    swollen ankles..

    i'm on 150 mgs of prop eod and 100 mg of primo twice a week. I've taken this Prop before and it caused the same problem and gave me some issues with sore nipps. I figured the primo would help. I know it's water retention and I find that it goes away for a short time after a good cardio day or a heavy sweat day.. But i'm still not pleased and a little nervous about the long term. I'm only in week 4 and will continue the Prop for another 4-5 weeks and add Fina next week and remove the primo... i'm really un-impressed with Primo.. I heard great things and saw very little..

    anyway.. i'm on 1 cc orally of liquid tamox and liquidex each night before bed, and Trib and my diet is basically perfect, my cardio is 15 mins daily, plus 1 time a week for 60 minutes at between 80-100 %. I'm 6 foot and 218 lbs. I'm definitley carrying some water but figure the Fina will knock it out.

    I've followed Mudman's advice on pct before and during the entire cycle and still have ankles like a pregnant woman. My nipps are fine but if I stop the tamox or dex they sore up within a few days...

    I have some letro and clomid.. should i use them also? should i switch to daily prop instead of eod ? should i worry about swelling for extended periods of time ? should i try some water pills or clen ?

    all of your thoughts and experience are greatly appreciated...

    thanks in advance fellas..


  2. #2
    WonderMikeJ's Avatar
    WonderMikeJ is offline Junior Member
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    what no one has any thoughts.. come on there has to be others out there with a similar problem at one time ....

    come on..

  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    If I had swollen ankles I would get blood work done. I would also taper down.
    Swolen ankles are not a very good side effect. Get your estro checked as well
    the AI's are a scientific thing. You don't know how much to take until you know how much estogen you want to get rid of.

  4. #4
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Swollen ankles sounds like an estrogen issue - if you diet is good. You need a good AI. I agree with UFA as well - that getting blood work done is always a good idea. The hidden danger of steriods is cardiovascular problems.

  5. #5
    Pinum's Avatar
    Pinum is offline Associate Member
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    watch your sodium and drink water as well.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    people have varying opinions about primo, personally I like it but you have to run a lot of it to see results. My last cycle I ran 1gram/wk for 12 along with some prop and var..I hardened up quite nicely. You wont see much on 200mg/wk

  7. #7
    WonderMikeJ's Avatar
    WonderMikeJ is offline Junior Member
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    i've had blood work done the last time this happened when i took the exact same prop and all was well... I didn't get a testosterone profile or estrogen reading which may be a good idea.. I think i'm going to bump up the down the prop for a week or two and see what happens.. I'll contact my doctor tomorrow.

    thanks.. any other suggestions ?

  8. #8
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Its water retention and it will go away, I would have thought you were take some GH but your not, I wouldn't sweat it to bad remember you are on AS and some water retention is gonna be there! Some people react different too different steroids .


  9. #9
    WonderMikeJ's Avatar
    WonderMikeJ is offline Junior Member
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    You're all correct. I went to my doc (an internist), she knows what i'm taking and has known for some time. She laughed and said it was just water retention. She went ahead and did bloodwork to check all my levels; estro,test, renal and kidney functions just to air on safety. But she assured me nothing is wrong. She gave me a diuretic to help push out some water and it's worked great. I can actually see my ankle bones again.. thats a nice feeling..

    Thanks again for all of your comments I appreciate it greatly.

    I've finished my primo - not a huge fan, for the price and you need to take enormous amounts to get a good affect, I start Fina on Friday and will continue with the Prop for about 5-6 more weeks. Love this shit. Except for the cankles.. lol

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