How long .....and what are some safe dosages to run the both of the together.... AX's SD and PP
How long .....and what are some safe dosages to run the both of the together.... AX's SD and PP
I ran a cycle of phera plex to jump start my test+winny+SD cycle. I gained 15lb of solid muscle from the phera plex and light dosage of SD. If you are taking those two together, go with 10mg PP for week 1; 20mg PP Week 2-3 and Week 3 start 10mg SD ; Week 4 30mg PP 20 mg SD; Week 5 20mg PP 20mg SD; Week 6 20mg SD; Week 7 30 mg SD; Week 9 20mg SD; Week 10 10mg SD
Then do a solid PCT, Anabolic Extreme's PCT isnt enough. Make sure to watch your drinking, and to take care of your liver as well because 2 17a substances together are going to beat the shit out of ur liver. Stock up on Milk Thistle.
9 weeks of orals??!!
Wk 1- Phera-Plex 20mg
Wk 2- Phera-Plex 30mg
Wk 3- Phera-Plex 20mg / Superdrol 10mg
Wk 4- Superdrol 20mg
Wk 5- Superdrol 20mg
You dont wanna run it longer than 5 weeks
A friend of mine ran a 2 month cycle like that and gained 45 lb, about 40lb muscle. With a healthy diet and proper precautions for your liver you can pull it off...Originally Posted by smartwater
look in the supplment forum.. you will find more info..
hahahahahahah this is a joke right...?Originally Posted by rock steady
i dont get why that is funny?
your telling me that somebody gained 45 lbs, 40 of which is all muscle.. off winny pp or superdrol.. if you do not know why im laughing then...Originally Posted by rock steady
PP and SD together are very strong...They take their tolls on the body as well though.
the funny thing is he isnt kidding lift.Originally Posted by Liftnainez
well then we have a big problem.. if somebody thinks they will gain 40lbs od PURE muscle on a winny, pheraphlex, or SD cycle.. even combined (whch is retarted) is living in la la landOriginally Posted by Bigmax
Thats hilarious bro...ou're gonna come on this board and tell guys that have been busting their ass for years that your buddy put on 40lbs of muscle with one cycle?????give me a break.Originally Posted by rock steady
I worked out with the kid all winter and saw it with my own eyes. He eats EVERYTHING....... is the most anabolic substance
yeah and your full of shit is anabloic????REALLY? we dont know that here.Guy geta grip you sound like youve been to oz with dorithy.Originally Posted by rock steady
enough with all the hate, it could have been a combo of alot of things. Maybe his boy never ate sh!t before, then started eating the whole world and taking pp and sd and winny, its possible.
Besides that stupid point, running 9 weeks of orals is not such a hot idea, it can be done though. Your liver may hate your @$$ for awhile, but thats up to you. PP made my liver hurt after 4 weeks @ 20mg ed, i put on 10lbs of solid muscle, not bad. I was taking milk thistle at 1200mg ed, hawthorn berry at 1000mg ed.
If you do decide to embark on this "i hate my liver" cycle then get a blood test before to see what your liver looks like, then wait till a month or two after pct and get blood work again, see how your liver handled it.
Guy I see your points ....No one is hating,what are you talking about???This guy comes on here and says his boy put on 40 pounds of MUSCLE with one cycle and not only I but a few others said hell no.I dont care if he was on a fast then ate till he puked.he didnt put on 40 pounds of musclee on with 1 cycle.......You started rambling about his liver.
I just made my point that its possible, ive seen it done, very rare though. As for the hating the guy asked questions about his PP and SD cycle, not to agrue about his boy gaining 40lbs (if he did more power to him).
As for the rambling about his liver, I want giving him a few pointers and some personal experience that may actually help him out.
thanks for the input guys....but i think im gonna stick with 5 weeks total thats what ive heard form multip[le people and i might stack in AX perfect cycle in with it cos it has milk thistle
Originally Posted by aaronswt84
im sorry but you havent seen somebody put on 45 lbs, 40 of which are pure muscle.. sorry bud but your not winning here.. i agree about the liver precautions, but to say that its possible to gain 40 lbs of muscle is impossible..
Originally Posted by rock steady is the base of gettin big ya..........
but i hope he went to the doc and got checked out
2months??? hmmm....
could he?? ya
i like life....![]()
In my opinion 10 weeks in a NO NO!4 weeks is the most you should really do.
yea i did a "recommended 8 week cycle" of SD and PP a whiles ago, and gained 32 no way, shape, or form, purely of muscle. So 45 pounds, 40 of muscle, isnt really anything but a pretty stupid guesstimate, especially if the person saying it, isnt the person who went through that transformation...i mean how could you possibly say that? Also, a 2 month cycle of these orals is not a good idea...and SD in my personal opinion isnt a good idea in any on my 14th day of a 37 day purely PP cycle and eating like a big boy, im way too lazy to keep a log...meh
Originally Posted by rock steady
i call...if he actually did it was from diet... you sir are stupid for running 2 methylated orals that long, go to a doc asap
Thanks lift...Thanks wolffey,guy comes on here and says something outlandish and ok he said it but then someone comes and tries to back it up????....and says he seen it done although rare..people will just say whatever.
Bigmax I wasn't trying to back him up, but just stating what I have personally seen. My brother, who hardly worked out, and never ate, started working out hardcore, eating like crazy, and 4 months later had gained damn near 40lbs. Just because you dont have the genics to do so doesnt mean someone else doesnt. I got the shitty stick in my family because theres no way in hell I could ever do that.
BTW I am not a huge fan of you slandering me saying "some ppl will say anything". I put in my 2 cents, which is my opinion and what ive seen, your entitled to have your own opinion too.
Gotta agree with BigMax here on the 40lb bit. No way in hell. Look at your own post above. Let's start there. "Your brother ate like crazy for 4 months" lolololol... Fat does not equal muscle. I've been off going on 2 years at this point and I will bet you my left nutsack and my neighbors kid that I too can eat like crazy for 4 months and without gear put on 40lbs. Physiologically I don't believe it's possible to do that in a year. Your brother most likely put on 15lbs of water, 20lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle... I've been bodybuilding for 11years, have competed, and consider myself to have average genetics. I've run all kinds of cycles and IMO you just aren't going to put on 40lbs of pure muscle with 1 cycle. OR I could be wrong and this guys friend just has to do 6 more cycles and he's the next Mr. Olympia.Originally Posted by aaronswt84
yeah, and I gained 65 pounds of muscle in 9 weeks by eating 4000 grams of protein ED!!!! LMFAO
Ok bro enough of this going back and forth...we're off the topic anyway.Stop being so sensitive bro....slander???.,I didnt call you any names or put you down.Now,Guy comes on and says his bro put on 40lbs of muscle with one cycle.Reputable guys came on such as LIFT and WOLFFEY and said no way and so did I.Then you came and said you're bro put on 40lbs pounds of weight There is a big difference between 40lbs of muscle and 40lbs of weight.See my point????Originally Posted by aaronswt84
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