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Thread: sustanon250

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Hey guys I was wondering if you could run a cycle of just sustanon250 alone or if it is a waste also how is it price wise compared to other anabolics?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada
    Running 500mg/week of sust250 is an effective and cheap beginners cycle (run it for 8-10weeks).

    i'd say add some d-bol in weeks 1-4. 25-35mg/day.

    But even without the 'bol sust alone will work out just fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    IMO add 400wk of Deca. This is coming from what I have seen in others, and not personally. Several friends have made 20+ lb gains in 8 weeks with 500 sust and 400 deca. AND kept most of their gains. Be careful and be certain! Tom...first cycle and if so why do you want to use AS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Skip the Sus dude and go with Cyp or Eth!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    If you want to run sust alone run 750mg a week for 8 -10 weeks and then follow up with the clomid therapy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If a first timer used 500mg a week of sus for 10 weeks, they'd get some decent gains.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    TEST...alone I don't think so. I'd never do any test by itself nor would I recommend it. Not sust not cypor eth. WHY would somebody do that? Explain please.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I wouldn't recommend it but sometimes a new user doesn't know any better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    That's why we have to educate the "New User". Let them learn by our mistakes and experiences.

    OK new guys if you have to do A.S. Don't do Test alone!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    Dont do eth...not by brovel alone at least

    Sus250 at 500mg a week for 8 weeks would be fine for your first cycle... I am a little kid...or was when i did that my first
    i weighed 145 and i gained 25 lbs off just sus....u should be aright...but step it up next cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Tom...fogetaboutit. Don't do anything. Post your personal info. like age, height, training experience, previous cycles, bodyfat, and goals and then read what others have done and suggest. But if you're gonna use something don't do Sust by itself...there are much better ways.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicejunkie is right on here.........sus is the most over-priced, over-rated AAS! its design is for hormone replacement therapy to be used every 3-4wks.

    save yourself some money and use enanathe or cypionate and if you want to taper the test prior to using ancilliary drugs post-cycle........simply switch to proprionate for 4wks inorder for the longer-acting esters to clear. following me here?

    dumbells........if ever there were one AAS to use by itself it would be test. its the natural hormone, its anabolic/androgenic and exhibits both class I and II properties. you can grow and grow quite nicely using test by itself

    Last edited by Unity66; 10-23-2001 at 09:49 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Unity66- show me one person who has used just test, and had gains that they have kept better than for example primo or deca. You can't I'll bet...but if I am wrong show me. Thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    granted....the gains one acquires from primo-depot are, for the most part, kept.....yet this is a very expensive AAS and is rather weak when used by itself----you will not gain much lbm with it unless you take it in large doses, which is not cost efficient (results vs. cost). yet what you do gain will be of a more permanent nature. is dectectable for up to 18 months which shows just how long this substance can stay trapped within ones stores of adipose tissue. there is a theory that the reason gains are kept for an extended period of time is due to a slow release of the substance from fat stores.....esp when one is dieting and loosing bodyfat at an accelerated rate.

    deca is also notorious for disrupting the HPTA for extended peirods of time........(can anyone say deca-dick?) you go ahead and use deca by itself without a low dose of test or porviron and you can rest assured that you will be investing in pfizer stock soon after.

    as for using nandrolone-deconate to end a cycle......the rational being that it is a safer, less androgenic drug than test is riduculous! using deca in such a way is counter-productive due to the fact that your body will take much longer to reach homeostasis and restore proper HPTA function.

    in short.......use the KISS (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID) method when applicable unless your educated enough to stack various hormones correctly.

    Tom.......list your stats, and if this is your first cycle you will grow and grow well by using two AAS........enanthate (or cyp) and proprionate along with a few ancilliary drugs and lots o' food.....


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I heard that deca alone at 400 a week for 8 weeks is only like a ten pound gain and it is expensive. A lot of people praise test on here and I figured sus was the way to go as far as side effects go and I think I may be prone to gyno so of course ill have to go with an anti e

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ill say it once agian.......test is test bro. sust is overpriced. if you can find amps of primotest/testoviron for a good price then grab em.......if not, use the ttokkyo cypionate. i dont feel that tornel t-200 is a bad product either, but i like as you want though.

    how the hell did sust get this aura of being the supreme test is beyond me..........its shite!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    im 21 5'11 175 I have been lifting for a year and a half and want to hit the gear around the spring or summer I want to be sure in what I do. I know kids that have taken both deca and sust alone and the one that took the sust imho got better results

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Honest I'm tellin you I have two bodybuilders I train who last year each did an 8 wk cycle of Deca @400wk and Sust @ only 250 week. Followed up with clomid. Today with no other cycles both have kept most of their gains and neither experienced deca dick. My understanding is that the dose has to be over 600wk and for a while. Now these two only gained 15-20 each but that put them at the top of their class and they both have won overall in a contest since then. 1 did however test positive for nandrolone in a contest early this year.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it seems also that these other tests like cyp and eth are very prone to heavy side effects not to sound like a women I realize that it comes with the territory but for my first cycle I dont know about cyp or eth. Has anyone used them as thier first?

  20. #20
    Mike Guest
    Sust is no more effective - I would run enanthate then end with prop - sust's formula is illogical IMO - why the prop to be administered once per week and in such low doses? And why the low doses of the other tests? Why not do 4-600mg of test E instead

    One misconception here, to clear this up - the 'deca dick' is caused by the nandrolone converting into progesterone - and progesterone is a hormone that, when in larger amounts within the male, will cause impotency

    Also - yes gains are better kept with primo than test - but the gains are not comparable - it's impossible to have a discussion on what is better when speaking in generalities - too many factors:

    Does the user have a budget?
    What are the user's stats?
    What are the user's goals?

    ALL of these have their uses - except maybe sus While sus IS a decent product and you WILL make gains - not only is it expensive but it's uses are overated and it's efficacy is grossly overstated

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    I can only call them how I see them, cause I've never used sust. However I have seen good results in others who have used it.

  22. #22
    The Iron Game Guest
    Originally posted by arthurb999
    If a first timer used 500mg a week of sus for 10 weeks, they'd get some decent gains.
    Yes, but results would be better on 500mgs of prop

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Just curious in what type of gains did the 2 people you trained last year get off there cycles of deca/sus b/c i'm on a similar one now. One more quick question. What exactly is deca dick?? Does it mean you can't get hard or can't cum???

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Minimal gains like 13 - 18 lbs each but they kept most of it. Now they both used HCG and then Clomid 2 weeks later. I'm not familiar with how much and according to what I've heard here most of these guys don't use the HCG. Deca dick is a symptom of progesterone aromatization. I also understand that Deca dick is uncommon in doses under 600mg week. check the search but I'm pretty sure that/s what Mike quoated in another thread.

    How is your cycle going and how long are you on?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    My cycle is quite small, but i'm pleased so far.
    It's my first cycle.

    400mg deca for 8 weeks
    250mg of sus for 5 weeks

    And thats it.

    i started at about 5'9" 168lbs
    i'm currently in my fifth week and last time I weighed myself I was 188lbs on an empty stomach. I have been getting alot stronger lately too.
    To tell you the truth I didn't expect to gain that much after 4 weeks, especially with all i've read about deca/sus. Especiall ythe sus, everybody told me to do sus at least 10 weeks or I wouldn't see that good results.

    I was going to do more sus, but had a change of mind. I had problems getting anti-e's and clomid b/c of the border trouble, and my resourses arn't as vast as others might have, so I decided not to do any more. I know I shopuldn't have started untill all my gear arrived, but I jumped the gun. Still trying to get clomid, but it's not looking good, how much of my gains can I lose without it???

    Thanks for the info

  26. #26
    Mike Guest
    DB101 -

    No I never said that about deca dick - I don't know what the dose would be that would increase risk of impotence - there are too many other variables - I may have said, however, that doses of nandrolone under 600 don't commonly convert into enough progesteron to cause gyno

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