Hi there,

I am contemplating my first cycle and I would appreciate some advice. I am 6 foot 190 lbs, 25 years old. I have been training for 4 years and my diet is very strict. I don't smoke or drink. Bulk is'nt everything to me as I want to retain some cardiovascular fitness and flexibility as I enjoy running and martial arts. I have done tons of research and read hundreds of threads. I know this question has been asked before but it's nice to get some personal responses. My goal is to put on a good 10-12 lbs of lean muscle.

My proposed cyle is:

350 mg/week Test E (testoviron depot, schring) - weeks 1-8

20 mg British Dipensary thai anabols per day - weeks 1-4

I have nolva for pct and milk thistle to run at 1g per day throughout the cycle.

I plan to do my test injections 250 mg every five days. This may sound stupid but I don't want to do 500 mg of test and 25 mg of DBol as I'm worried I will gain to much. I know this is'nt a typical problem on this board! lol Do you think I will gain nicely on this cycle and reach my goals?

Any advice or comments are much appreciated. thanks in advance.