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Thread: Cardio while on a cycle?

  1. #1

    Question Cardio while on a cycle?

    I have this question that's bothering me for quite awhile and I hope you guys can help me out.

    Together with a good training-regime AS will help us grow bigger muscles.

    Now I like to run 30-45 minutes after a workout, so that means three times a week. Now when I'm on a cycle, won't the running and increased heartrate also increase the growth of my heart. I reckon if I don't train a muscle, give it a physical stimulation, it won't nearly grow as much if I would. So my question. During my coming cycle, should I quit with the cardio, until I have completed the cycle, or is this of minor consequence while on?

    I appreciate your thoughts, bros.... My cycle will start this week and my trainingspartner and I really enjoy the runningsessions after the workout.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Depending on what kind of cycle your on, your goals, and your stats.
    Too much cardio will put your body into a catabolic state, in which it's burning muscle.
    If your bulking, then I would stop cardio untill the cycle is finished. If your doing a cutting cycle, I would do moderate cardio(Light jogging or fast paced walking 3-4 times a week)

    Put down your cycle, goals, and stats and the question can be answered in more detail

  3. #3
    Wk 1-3: 50 mg/day Anadrol
    Wk 1: 500mg Boldenone and 300 mg Testoviron
    Wk2: 250 mg Boldenone, 300 mg Methandriol dipropionate and 300 mg Testoviron
    Wk3: 250 mg Boldenone, 300 mg Methandriol dipropionate and 300 mg Testoviron
    Wk 4: 500 mg Boldenone and 300 mg Testoviron
    Wk 5: 500 mg Boldenone and 300 mg Testoviron
    Wk6-10: 300mg/wk Primobolan, 250mg/wk Winstrol depot
    Wk 1-6: In case of problems (otherwise not), 20 mg/day Nolvadex, 25mg/day Proviron
    Wk 11,12: 20mg/day Nolvadex
    Wk11,12: 5000IU HCG
    Wk11-14: 120 mcg/day Clen
    Wk13: 50 mg/ day Clomid
    Wk 1-14: 1000mg/day Milk thistle

    My goal is some bulking during the first five weeks and finetuning in a cutting cycle during the last five weeks.

    I'm not so much concerned with loosing a few pounds due to cardio, but more so I'm concerned with causing hypertrophy of the heart while on Steroids AND doing cardio... So any thoughts are appreciated.

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