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Thread: Help Me With My First Cycle

  1. #1

    Question Help Me With My First Cycle

    Hey guys, I have been working out for over 3 years now and the past two years I have been serious with my nutrition and my frequency to gym.
    I am 6'1 187 Pounds and I have gained a fair bit of mass and I am at 11% BF. I have decided to do a light cycle to add another 10-15 pounds and I decided to use DBOL, Stanzolol and equipose, with Nolvadex and Proviron to avoid Gyno.

    How should I cycle this, how much should i take this and for how long should i do this? and also if you could tell me what time of the day is best to take these as I work in the daytime and workout evenings

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I am not a pro for advice!! This is just my opinion!!!
    I will tell you what most of the Exp. people on here tell me.
    D-bol 25-35 mg/day
    Stanozolol 50mg/day
    EQ. 400-600 mg/wk

    Who are your products made by and are they injectable of tabs? This would help out.

  3. #3
    I am thinking of ordering online (TABS), kinda reluctant of using injectables, as I said I just want to do a light cycle.

    No source posting.
    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 06-18-2002 at 06:54 PM.

  4. #4
    heres the prices
    DBOL 5mg 100 tabs for $54
    Winstrol 2mg 20 tabs for $11

    No we cannot help you with aquiring a source, especially when you ask so bluntly in the open for the Feds and scammers to see. -PPP

    btw...thanks guys for letting him know the rules.
    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 06-18-2002 at 06:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    969 there is a NO SOURCE POSTING POLICY!

    No one is just gonna give you a source...

    those prices aret tooo bad...
    I wouldnt not recomend running dbol along with winny...
    there both 17aa, and there harsher than injectables on your liver.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey, Sam.

    Welcome to the board. I wish you luck with your cycle.

    You may find it hard to get responses if you do not follow the rules of the board--one of the big rules is "do not write posts asking for sources."

    Aside from several other reasons, that rule is there to protect you. After writing a post like the last one you submitted in this thread, you might get a lot of PM's or emails offering to help you get AS. Chances are, these are scammers--becareful.

    Stick around, read the rules, do research by using the search key, then ask questions.

    Best to you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    and i wouldnt not recomend using pharmagroup....that slipped right by me...there selective scammers bro, unless you dont wanna loose your loot....dont go there...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city
    check out the scammers list, and then you will then you will know what they are about...BTW dont be a pussy and get over your fear of injects bro, its for your own good!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city
    Shit man read the rules, source posting pharmagroup maybe ok since they are a bunch of scamming basterds, but asking for a source is a big nono

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Don't run two 17aas for a first cycle. You're just begging for trouble.

    Wk1-10: EQ 400mg (Injectable)
    Wk6-12: Winny 50mg ed (Injectable/Tabs)

    Clomid starts three days after last shot or dose of winny.
    Have nolva on hand. You will not need it, but if you don't'll be sorry if you were by chance to get G.

    Good luck and please read the rules before posting again. This is for your own safety bro.

  11. #11
    hey guys first of all I apologize for posting for the source and thanks for your advice and if i AM using injectables what do u think of Deca? and what else would be best for me as a starter

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