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Thread: Ldex by itself?

  1. #1
    ScottyJ is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Ldex by itself?

    Anyone hear of taking ldex off cycle?

    What do you guys think would be a safe ammount to use without damaging my estrogen levels too much. I have taken .25mg the past 2 days. Did not take any today for fear that I will be doing more harm than good.

    I have gyno left from puberty and I was thinking that ldex might help reduce it. Not sure if its in my head, but the nips look less puffy.

  2. #2
    rhinoman is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Taking a little shouldn't hurt you. I run it up to 6 weeks after my cycle to prevent any estrogen increases. It also dries you up a bit. I think you would be ok taking in a little between cycles.

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