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  1. #1
    castertroy's Avatar
    castertroy is offline Associate Member
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    questions about cycle

    im starting a similar cycle to this in september andhave been doing lots of research to make sure i know everything b4 i start.

    week (-1) to week 21 Nolvadex 20mg twice daily
    week 1 to week 4 Dbol 10mg four times daily
    week 1 to week 14 Deca 200mg twice weekly
    week 1 to week 15 Test Enanthate 250mg twice weekly
    week 17to week * Clomid for PCT 300/100/50 and nolva 40mg a day
    * until test levels alright

    my diet, im safe to say is 100%, and im not one of those newbs that says it. i have a mr.canada and 2 nutritionists writing out my meals for the next 18 weeks. my stats are 22yrs old, training for 6 yrs, 5'10 200lbs, and about 10% bf.

    my questions are:
    will the amount of test over deca make sure i dont get decadick? will i need hcg , keeping in mind my test e 600 cycle was pct'ed with nolva and clomid and im fine?

    and will the nolva lower the waterweight/bloat i get from deca and dbol?

  2. #2
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Well some people run the test lower than the deca and are fine.. some arent.. that depends on you will react to it.. what you have right there is fine.. 500mg of test 400mg of deca per week.. also your cycle isnt THAT long, but yes you could use HCG to help you w recovery.. and i think adex will be better to run to minimize the bloat you will get..

  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    What is your cycle history?

    Nolvadex will do nothing for the bloating caused by estrogen. The reason is that nolva only binds to the ER and still allows estrogen to be made from the compounds you're running. An AI like letro or arimidex is better at keeping bloat off.

  4. #4
    castertroy's Avatar
    castertroy is offline Associate Member
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    letro killed my sex drive 10 fold last time i was on it. will arimidex do the same? and ya, the cycle might go as long as my last cycle, 14 weeks.

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Letro never kille mine but you know how it is..everyone is different...Arimidex need to try bro.Other than that the cycle looks fine.You shouldnt get deca dick with the test you're running.

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    im starting a similar cycle to this in september andhave been doing lots of research to make sure i know everything b4 i start.

    week (-1) to week 21 Nolvadex 20mg twice daily
    week 1 to week 4 Dbol 10mg four times daily
    week 1 to week 14 Deca 200mg twice weekly
    week 1 to week 15 Test Enanthate 250mg twice weekly
    week 17to week * Clomid for PCT 300/100/50 and nolva 40mg a day
    * until test levels alright

    my diet, im safe to say is 100%, and im not one of those newbs that says it. i have a mr.canada and 2 nutritionists writing out my meals for the next 18 weeks. my stats are 22yrs old, training for 6 yrs, 5'10 200lbs, and about 10% bf.
    I hope you are sure. Sounds good if you are positive its all good.

    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    my questions are:
    will the amount of test over deca make sure i dont get decadick?
    Even less would but, I have never seen a cycle with less test than deca.

    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    will i need hcg, keeping in mind my test e 600 cycle was pct'ed with nolva and clomid and im fine?
    Only one way to find out.........maybe keep hcg on hand at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    and will the nolva lower the waterweight/bloat i get from deca and dbol?
    May but, very little. AI's may do it moreso I believe. I am going to run letro or adex if I use deca and you may want to consider this too.

    Good luck man, be safe, be dedicated and you will have great results.

  7. #7
    castertroy's Avatar
    castertroy is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys, i'll look into all that. now as long as my gyno doesnt get worst on cycle its all good. i might be in surgery b4 then though.

  8. #8
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    thanks guys, i'll look into all that. now as long as my gyno doesnt get worst on cycle its all good. i might be in surgery b4 then though.
    you might wanna take care of that first before running anything else bro....

  9. #9
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    if you have gyno now, you should address that problem first, just in case it does get worse....also Deca dick does not happen to everyone, and some people who run large amount of test actully get the same problem, deca does shut ya down but it does vary in the person also....shuts me down hard so i have to kkep my test higher by a lot...

    As for your cycle, looks really well planned out but i would change a few the test an extra week or shorten the deca by one week so the test is run 2 weeks longer...i would also go with 20mg nolva a day and start a dose of .5mg letro 2 weeks before the cycle...if your diet is as good as you say then this should be a greta cycle and keep us posted...

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