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  1. #1
    rjlariv is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol & Test C cycle question

    I am 20 years old. 69". 198 lbs. 12%bf. Been in the gym for the past 5 years. it is a religion to me and the weight room is my sanctuary. This will be a first cycle. starting a cycle of test c and anabol tabs within two weeks. Then finishing up with a two week cycle of clen . I have used clen before in different ways and found that two weeks on, two off work best for me. I have two questions
    1) I am currently out of country and having my gear sent out to me. i recieved the dbol , nolva, clomid, & clen. however i am awaiting the test and associated gear and i only have nine weeks total before i go back to the states and through customs. so i cannot bring my gear with me and continue the cycle. i am planning an 8 week cycle of the stuff. four on dbol and eight on test c. short cycle i know. my question is.. since i have the dbol here should i just start it to give a jump start on the cycle since it is short as it is only eight weeks. would week 1 be wasted with a dbol only, then add in the test a week later? and continue on the dbol for a total of 5 weeks at 25mg? and
    2) Should i wait the 18 days to start pct and clen at the same time or should i start the clen the day after last injection?
    I would appreciate all constructive criticism and help you can give. If i forgot something as far as stats go or if you need to know more to give a positive analysis please let me know. Thanks again AR members and Moderators.

  2. #2
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Welcome to AR.

    It looks like too many compounds for your first cycle.

    Cyp or e 12wks two weeks after last shot pct. Clomid/nolva and clen wouldnt hurt. Dont know much about bringing the stuff in.

  3. #3
    rjlariv is offline Junior Member
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    Yes i know i could do without the dbol . i was a long time member of another forum and was told alot of diff things. I came here because everyone seems to want to help rather than show off in front of their on line buddies. So that is the reason i bought the dbol for a first cycle in the first place. and i have seen some diaries on this site of some pretty serious gains in the first 7-8 weeks. so good that the man actually stopped his cycle after 8 weeks of gaining a total of 22lbs. so i know and 8 week cycle is not ideal since it is not even affecting your body untill week 3 or 4. however my question about the dbol a week prior are still unanswered. I appreciate the concern about adding in the dbol.

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjlariv
    Yes i know i could do without the dbol. i was a long time member of another forum and was told alot of diff things. I came here because everyone seems to want to help rather than show off in front of their on line buddies. So that is the reason i bought the dbol for a first cycle in the first place. and i have seen some diaries on this site of some pretty serious gains in the first 7-8 weeks. so good that the man actually stopped his cycle after 8 weeks of gaining a total of 22lbs. so i know and 8 week cycle is not ideal since it is not even affecting your body untill week 3 or 4. however my question about the dbol a week prior are still unanswered. I appreciate the concern about adding in the dbol.

    My biggest gains on test are from weeks 7-10. If you were to run an 8 week cycle it seems like prop or suspension would be a better choice.

    BUT to answer your question, you could go 6 weeks with the dbol but I would start it at the same time as the test.

  5. #5
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    some times long estered test dont kick in until week 6, 7 or even 8. thats why the first cycle should be 1-12 weeks of test e only(among other reasons). you need to see how your body reacts to the test. that way you can make proper adjustments in future cycles.
    now as for your do:

    1-4 dbol 30-40mgs ED
    1-8 test 500-600mgs EW, split into 2 shots.

    as far as the PCT, you wait the 18days to start the PCT as the cyp is still active in you for 18 days after last injection(which you stated, youve done some research). you can start the clen anytime you want. some people even run it while on cycle depending on what they want to achieve(bulk or cut).

  6. #6
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    no one knows how youll react to test e/c until youve tried it,mine kicked in well early after frontloading it,personally i think your cycle looks good and if you dont feel youve achieved enough in that time just extend the test till you have,10-12 weeks is the norm but like i said i dropped it early as i didnt gain shit after week 7.

  7. #7
    rjlariv is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you to everyone who replied. helium3, i appreciate what you said about short cycles. however, i am not frontloading so i will most likely find a way to run it 10 weeks and find a way to get it back in the States.

  8. #8
    rjlariv is offline Junior Member
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    roidattack, since i am now doing a ten week cycle i will definitely stay on the dbol for only 4 weeks at 30mg ED. and BigLouie250, i appreciate the cycle advice and the stuff about clen . You have all answered all of my questions. Thank God for AR. Some of us newbies need things spelled out like that ya know.

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    4-6 weeks is the pretty standard with using Dbol for a kickstart. With a few more cycles under your belt, or if you can get regular bloodwork, I'd stay on for longer.

    For a first cycle, I'd go for testosterone on its own. Leave the Dbol for a 2nd cycle.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Glad to hear you are running a more proper cycle. AAS is not something to be half-asses, or rushed. Follow up your cycle with PCT and you'll be golden.

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