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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    IN your walls

    First test Cycle and diet

    Well here go's. this is my first thread so hang with me. I would like to know what you guys think of my cycle and diet and if i can exspect the gains im looking for.

    My cycle began on a satuday around noon,it began with .5cc of arimidex witch i will be taking the entire time of the cycle every day plus 2 weeks after i am done with the test.
    Cycle will last 10 to 14 weeks.(when ever the gains quit)

    is where it got exciting, that was the first time i ever stuck a needle in myself. 300mg injected things went alot better than i planned.I slept realy rough but had awaken feeling good.

    The next few days i allways felt kind of werid but not sick. Just so you no im using test Ena at 300mg a cc. I inject every mon at 1am and every thu at 1pm. my bodyweight was 193 when i started and now (10 days later) is 197. Im 6'1 at 13%BF and 22 years old. I have been lifting for 2 years 3months hard.

    . All my lifts have gone up not insanely,but they all did inprove. The only thing that i did notice so far that was realy wild, was that doing curls the last time my bicepts got so pumped that they felt like they were going to exsplode.

    Now it is 10 days from the first injection and im feeling good. Iv got 4 injects under my belt and it dosent bother me at all.( kind of look forward to it)

    MY diet.( its almost the same every day)

    meal 1--------NO-EXPLODE 150cals
    2--------Protien shake 200cals
    3--------yogert 190cals
    4--------banana 100cals
    5--------steak 350cals
    6--------milk 180cals
    7--------chicken breast 300cals
    8--------white rice 175 cals
    9--------protien shake 200cals
    10-------rice 100cals
    11-------penuts 280cals
    12-------chicken and rice 300cals
    13-------yogert 190cals
    14-------penut buter toast 300cals
    15-------canned chicken breast150cals
    16-------ice cream 275cals
    17-------protien shake 200cals
    18-------oatmeal 350cals

    The only diffrence is that i some times i eat in a little diffrtent order.(not much though) All my cals are what it says on the packages or what my best guess is.(estmated low) 3990 cals total

    My goals are to gain 25 pounds and keep 15
    I also drink about 2 gallons of water a day and take a multivitamen 4 times a day pluse L-glu

    I work a very easy low stress nightshift job, and get 9 to 11 hours of sleep everyday. I also lift about an hour after awaking. My workouts very from 45 min to 75min depending on the body part that is the target. I only do cardio once a week because i lose weight very easy. I lift 5 days on and 1 day of since i started the cycle. I will take extra time off if needed.

    All info will be greatly thanked

    Ps I lov this website

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    any buddy out there?

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Sorry, I am not sure exactly where the queston is??? What is your cycle?

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    guy you just wrote a bunch of offense.You need to break everything down as far as cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    My cycle is 600mg's of test e a week,(300 mgs injected twice a week Monday and thursday) was just wondering if my diet will get me some good gain and how muchI can exspect to gain being in my condtion. ALso very sorry for the weird writing this is my first time.

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    My cycle is 600mg's of test e a week,(300 mgs injected twice a week Monday and thursday) was just wondering if my diet will get me some good gain and how muchI can exspect to gain being in my condtion. ALso very sorry for the weird writing this is my first time.

    Like Bigmax stated, you need to clarify your typing a bit. Hard to understand.
    Looks like you are eating 18 meals a day, and that is just crazy

    Meals should be COMPLETE, consisting of Protein, Good Carbs, and good fat in EACH MEAL
    The should be spaced about 2.5-3 hours apart and the shoudl be geared for the acticity level of the following 3 hours.

    It would help if you boke down each meal into the macros for us.. how much protein, carbs, fat adn total calories in each meal.

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Everyone is different, it totally depends on body type, trainging, cycle exp, diet, ect. No one oculd give you a specific number. Sorry.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    thank you for the info i had no idea its best to get all your protien, good carbs and fats in each meal. I was just eating every 1/2 hour threwout the hole day. Not anymore!! I no I no READ READ and READ. THanks guys

  9. #9
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    bro i wish you wouldn have come here first before starting your cycle.

  10. #10
    deznuts's Avatar
    deznuts is offline Junior Member
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    I just started my first cycle of test e also. I think any gains you have gotten are probably from your diet and the extra psychological motivation you have. Test e is not supposed to start working til week 5 or 6. At least thats what I have read.

  11. #11
    Natty99's Avatar
    Natty99 is offline Member
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    Eating every 1/2 hour......holy shit

  12. #12
    Thug Nasty is offline Associate Member
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    Who knows?
    Sweet mother of god that's alot of food. Ice Cream everyday? Might want to cut that one out.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    ya i did cut the ice cream out. ha ha

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    well my cycle is long dune im just finshing up pct. I ended up gaining 22 pounds total then losing 12 pounds once i started pct. so im now 204lbs and so much stronger. I will see if I can get some pic's up

  15. #15
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yeah do that ...see how you're coming along.

  16. #16
    GOT14U is offline New Member
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    Are you looking to gain lean muscle mass or bulk? I would do something like this for a diet..

    Meal 1 -9am
    7 eggs (3whole)
    2 shreded wheat biscuits
    2 whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter
    1 orange

    Meal 2-2hrs later
    Protein shake with 40g dextrose

    Meal 3-30min later
    6-10oz tuna with tom/green onion (i like it better then plain)
    12oz sweet potatoe

    Meal 4
    8-10oz chicken
    12oz brown rice
    4 oz cottage cheeze


    pwo - within 15min of workout
    protein shake (2 scoops) with dextrose(20g)

    30min later
    8-12oz chicken
    10-12 oz rice

    2hrs later
    Protein shake, and 3/4 oatmeal

    Thats just a quick sample of my diet.....


  17. #17
    GOT14U is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    Oops sorry i just read the date...

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