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  1. #1
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    deca or equipoise


    Im not far away from starting ny 4th cycle. Previously ive used test e 500mg e/w for 12 weeks and 10 weeks of 400mg e/w deca . (Prop and dianabol for 1st 4 weeks also).
    I have had major problems with this cycle in that sex drive and keeping it up are the major issue. I know im not alone when I say it really does suck!! (pct was strict by the way). Im just wondering about using equipoise instead of deca in a mild hope of avoiding the dreaded deca dick etc etc. What are the benefits, if any of running equipoise instead of deca?????????

    Other than the sex issue the cycle was ok,,,,in fact I was contemplating increasing the weekly dosage to 750mg Test e keeping the deca at 400mg!!!!!??????

  2. #2
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i would rather you did the later, increase your test by more than 100mg like last time, i think if you bump up the test e to 750mg and keep the deca at 400mg or even 500mg i think you will see great results and not have any problems with the ol' johnson....Eq is fine, but i generally only use it precomp to help with hardening and vascularity, but one of the good things with it is when on it your appetite is insane, so bulking will be a i said personally run the test at 750mg and also i would use prop to start only, no need to use both to kick it off, imo...

  3. #3
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    WEBB thanks bro. I have to say that I struggle with my appetite even when on a cycle, but im hearing what you are saying. So just to clarify,,,,Test e at 750mg e/w for 12 wks, keep the deca at 400mg e/w and run dianabol and prop for the 1st 4 weeks?? also i will run nolvadex at 20 mg throughout the cycle and vit b6. Any goo?????

  4. #4
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP
    WEBB thanks bro. I have to say that I struggle with my appetite even when on a cycle, but im hearing what you are saying. So just to clarify,,,,Test e at 750mg e/w for 12 wks, keep the deca at 400mg e/w and run dianabol and prop for the 1st 4 weeks?? also i will run nolvadex at 20 mg throughout the cycle and vit b6. Any goo?????
    That should read Any good,,,,,,,,definately no pun intended

  5. #5
    WEBB's Avatar
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    well if you are going to run your test e at 750mg a week you can run your deca dose higher than 400mg also, try around 500mg...that will give great for the dbol , prop, pick one and just use one....tthere is no need for both, and i would suggest 100mg prop eod or e3d....20mg nolva ed is good, and get some clomid for 14 days after your last test shot, and some hcg is not a bad idea aslo to boost your natural test back up....Hope i helped...hit me up anytime if you got more questions...WEBB

  6. #6
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    well if you are going to run your test e at 750mg a week you can run your deca dose higher than 400mg also, try around 500mg...that will give great for the dbol, prop, pick one and just use one....tthere is no need for both, and i would suggest 100mg prop eod or e3d....20mg nolva ed is good, and get some clomid for 14 days after your last test shot, and some hcg is not a bad idea aslo to boost your natural test back up....Hope i helped...hit me up anytime if you got more questions...WEBB
    Spot on!

  7. #7
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. WEBB I have never used HCG before. Do I take it during the cycle or just for pct. Sorry to sound dumb bro but I bow to your infinate wisdom!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Oh! Meso. Is that you doing that crazy ass dance with the lawn mower??????

  9. #9
    WEBB's Avatar
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    bow you if you must, but cash is just as can use hcg during, but if your test is higher than your deca like i laid out i wopuld save it till after cycle....check out the pct forum and you will learn everything you need to know about it, including dose and timing....Anytime i can help hit me up, i love to do it...

  10. #10
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Yeah will do thanks bro

  11. #11
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    looking.good webb.

  12. #12
    WEBB's Avatar
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    thanks Bigmax....just 8 days left...

  13. #13
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP
    Oh! Meso. Is that you doing that crazy ass dance with the lawn mower??????
    I filmed Nark... he makes me watch.

  14. #14
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Awsome. Not much makes me laugh at the minute (few domestic problems), but that raises a chuckle bro! Keep smiling!

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