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  1. #1
    daubertr is offline Banned
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    Jun 2006

    Starting Deca and Test Pro

    I'm going to be starting a 12 week cycle of Deca and Test-pro. I'm trying to get a bulking cycle going and I read that 600 mgs a week of Deca will do that. How many injections a week should I do and also how much Test pro will I need to balance out the Deca? Also how many cc's do I inject of each? And finally are there any side effects I should be on the lookout for? Thanks again everyone for all of your help!

  2. #2
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i would run the test at 750mg if your running deca at 600. 2 inj. a week like on sunday and then on thurs. i can't tell you how many cc's because you didn't state the dosage in each. what are your stats?

  3. #3
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    ur asking alot of ? u sound very unsure of alot bro search look for some info its all on this site it never hurts

    damn jrod u r f#%cking shreaded bro

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well considering you listed ZERO stats I dont know why any advice was given above, especially at such a liberal dose. Also considering you dont seem to know much at all about AAS, and dont realize that concentrations on individual compounds vary, making it impossible for anyone to tell you how many cc's to inject I dont know again why Jayrod would give such advice.

    I can only say that you need to read around a lot and figure out for yourself what the best compounds would be to reach your goal.
    Also you need to list for us you complete stats: Age, weight, height, training experience, AAS experience, bf% and goal for the cycle. This will help us to critique your cycle after you do research and put forth a cycle you believe will work best for your goals as a beginner.

  5. #5
    daubertr is offline Banned
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    Jun 2006
    Yeah this is going to be my first cycle. I'm 17, 160lbs, 6ft, I landscape 6 days a week and I try to lift at least 4. My bodyfats pretty low I'm not sure of my exact number. My goal for the cycle is just to increase my mass as much as possible. I'm not entering a competition or anything like that, I just want to be bigger for wrestling season and ski season. Thanks again everyone I be online for a while so I can answer any other questions.

  6. #6
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    your right c bino about giving advice to someone who is ignorant about aas but maybe it will encourage him to do some research and inform himself. knowledge and experience is important dealing with this stuff so inform yourself before diving in.

  7. #7
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by daubertr
    Yeah this is going to be my first cycle. I'm 17, 160lbs, 6ft, I landscape 6 days a week and I try to lift at least 4. My bodyfats pretty low I'm not sure of my exact number. My goal for the cycle is just to increase my mass as much as possible. I'm not entering a competition or anything like that, I just want to be bigger for wrestling season and ski season. Thanks again everyone I be online for a while so I can answer any other questions.
    i'll give you this advice, you are much to young!

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