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Thread: Which AAs work for spot injecting?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Which AAs work for spot injecting?

    Just curious on what AAs work for making a certain body part bigger and of course along with proper training.

    I have heard that HGH,winny, and primobolan are 3 that are used quite often. Is this true?

    I heard that some people don't believe in spot injecting to make certain muscles bigger but what do you think? Any Experiences??????

    Just curious because I am on a test enathate, primoboalan and winny cycle and have been thinking about doing this. Any experiences or comments are very welcome!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Which AAs work for spot injecting?


    also, not specifically to the AS, but DOES site injecting really work??? I have heard contradicting stories, cause some say its BS and it doesnt matter where you do it.... Cause I want fatten up my skinny CALVES!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well I have used those drugs and I have spot injected them (mostly b/c I ran outta places to shoot)

    I can say that test susp and winny are about the only things that really worked for site injections. Helpped with beef on my outter tri and shoulders, and a bit on the bis but I didnt like the bi shots. The size stayed post cycle so IMO they work.

    Nothing eles really does it but ANYTHING can be used for spot injections. Look at sythol, I dont know why anyone would shoot that shit when they could shoot a cc or 2 of prop or something and get the test with the

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Any one else with experiences or advise???


  6. #6
    Jeeze, guys, ya missed two of the better ones for site injections.....test prop, especially Viromone because its not painful and comes overdosed, and fina, most definately, fina. Winny works as does test susp, but the susp can be a painful shot. Ya want short esters, short half-lives. Only drawback is # of pins you're gonna use-lot of injects.

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