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Thread: Test Prop Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Test Prop Questions

    This is my first cycle im 5'8 160 and started with test prop I'm looking to put on size and am now taking 1cc every 3days im not even sure if this is enough all replies and suggestions would be helpful

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    You should be injecting the TP at least EOD. Try 50mg ED/100mg EOD for a start. ED injects get old for some very quickly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    hey man i actually came on the forum today to ask a similar starting my test prop cycle...also my first tomorrow..and was going to do it every day but was lookin to see what people thought about everyday...hope the cycle goes good..good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    How many mg's are in 1CC of testP and should and can i just take this alone and eat right to build decent gains?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah you can take it alone. 1cc is equal to 1ml look at the bottle to see how many mg are in each ml. Sounds like you should have done some more research into a drug you're injecting into your body.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    yes I should have but was Told it was alright but have injected already 10ML the bottles are 10ml over the past 3 weeks and ended up loosing 2 Pounds althought i have been now working out harden and eating better still a loss doesnt make sense to me so am thinking I should seek more advice the bottle says Test prop 100MG per mL and PERSERVATIVE benzl Alchohol 100mg per mL and the net on the bottle is Net 10mL so I guess I have been taking 1mL = 100MG per shot every 3 days this seems like it isnt enough I will go ahead and take your advice on shooting EOD

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    If you do more research you will find all the answers that you have. Also post your stats, cycle experience and diet, this will give us a better understanding what is good for you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have no cycle experience and i find it very hard to put on size this is why i went to test im about 5 weeks in now but was doing 1cc every 3 days now up't it to 1 and half cc every 2 days and am eating about 5 feels a day loading protein we will see how it goes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    what about an antie E and PCT?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cnote
    I have no cycle experience and i find it very hard to put on size this is why i went to test im about 5 weeks in now but was doing 1cc every 3 days now up't it to 1 and half cc every 2 days and am eating about 5 feels a day loading protein we will see how it goes.
    increase your calories...3000+e.d., everyday!!also make sure your protien is around 300+ everyday,you will grow.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    any thoughts on what i can do to get rid of my bitch tits that just started to come out and they are so tendor i need something to stop this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    do you even know if this stuffs real. does injection site really hurt the next day, this is a sure sign of prop.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    bro im really sorry you started a cycle with such lack of knowledge, u should asked around more and dun a fuk load more reasearch before starting your cycle, the only reason i can think that uve lost weight is that your carlories rnt enough

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    ya im not looking for sympathy im aware im a moron just sick of waiting figured id jump into somthing the injection site does hurt the next day it came capped on and says 100 test prop veternarian use only perscription label

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    well seeing as tho uve started already wat is it that u wanna know now? if you should take more?
    can u plz post ur diet? that wil help us alot it telling u if u need to up the dosage

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    you've lost two pounds..... you could put on muscle, and lose some fat. The actual weight isn't as so important to me as the BF% is.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Why do uneducated unprepared people so freely jump into something as serious as anabolic steroids? I just cant even believe it anymore. 5'8" and 160lbs. Geez I weighed more than that in highschool when I first started working out. Plus he now says hes trying to work out harder and eat better, my good out harder? I dont even know what to say honestly. I think this is the reason I tend not to post much in these types of threads anymore and the same reason many vets/mods dont. Its just becoming so tiresome and I mean no matter what you tell these people they simply just dont have the discipline and dedication to actually change anything.

    Let me share a little story with everyone. People in the gym or just out anywhere ask me questions, say they wanna look like me or just ask what they can do to "get big" or "gain weight." So I tell EVERYONE that the most important thing is diet, you know what the response is 100% of the time...oh no no my diet is fine I EAT SOOOOO MUCH...buttttttttttttt what else can I take to get me big? C'mon, you obviously have a piss poor diet but are either too ignorant to realize it or too embarassed and merely want a quick fix. Well let me tell you, no amount of gear or supplements is going to do ANYTHING for you if you are not taking in the proper amount AND type of foods. So anyways, I got a little sidetracked there...I had a guy come up to me not that long ago asking me the same question...saying no matter what he does he CANNOT gain weight. I start laughing in my head of course, but anyways in an attempt to be nice I ask him to give me a typical meal. His a very very PROUD voice (almost braggin actually) he boasts "well for breakfast today, I ATE FOUR eggs man." 4 eggs...4 f'n eggs and you CANNOT gain weight? Its just unbelievable to me.

    So with that said, cnote I am going to tell you a few things. You dont eat enough, I dont care if you are too affraid to man up and admit it but if you cant get over that fact then you are always going to be wasting money on gear and not actually making an investment in it. Drug dont gain weight for you, bodymass cannot just be made out of thin air, you need to have the FOOD/CALORIES in you for your body to turn to weight/musclemass. So even if you gear is 100% water and you got ripped off like Paris Hilton's panties after a couple drinks, you can still gain weight by EATING more and training properly GUARANTEED. So assuming you are using legit gear this just really shows how piss poor your diet actually is.

    If I came off as too harsh and you werent ready for the truth than odds are I either pissed you off enough that you may actually think "F*CK ya im gonna get my shit together and really change" or you will kiss you teeth at me and keep on keepin on and never change. Either way it doesnt effect me cuz I know the choice I made a long time ago.

  19. #19
    My friend says the exact same thing: "No I eat a LOT"

    like what?

    "I had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and 2 glasses of milk then like 3 hours later I had ANOTHER (Wow!) sandwhich with a big ass bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles mind you) "

    Those were almost his exact words.

    I gave up on a lot of my buddies.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    My friend says the exact same thing: "No I eat a LOT"

    like what?

    "I had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and 2 glasses of milk then like 3 hours later I had ANOTHER (Wow!) sandwhich with a big ass bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles mind you) "

    Those were almost his exact words.

    I gave up on a lot of my buddies.
    Dam i thought fruity pebbles was a good chioce.. I need to research alot more!! LOL

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006
    so ne way, u tried to do a bulking cycle but uve lost 2 pounds, as bino has said and nearly everyone else DIET. u do not need to up ur dosage, but up ur calories/

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yea for real though I am a certified CPT and nutritionist( ace and nesta) and you hear this all the time..People say there diet is in check and when you ask them what it is you get answers like skull said.. Diet and training are the most important aspect ...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    C-Bino, I'm aware of this im very hard on myself and am diciplined im not disagreeing with you but it is very very hard for me to put on size even my brother and father cannot he worked out and ate right for 20+ years maybe he wasnt eating enough but in any case my diet consists very slightly of fat I have eggwhites mixed in with a shake for breakfast and then try and eat about 5 Meals per day these including high protein meals such as tuna and chicken breasts I do agree with most of the things you have said and will just try and eat even more often its just difficult with my job to always have food on hand.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Do you have any meal plan you reccommend?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I can give you a breakdown of my diet if you wish. This is a sample and not the same everyday tho obviously...I am going to solely list my food intake and not get into any supplements (which also add to my caloric intake but its expensive and most people dont do it).

    10 egg whites
    3 whole eggs
    3 packets natural oats
    2 slices kraft cheese
    1 banana
    **sometimes I tbsp flax

    8-10oz lean beef
    1 Yam (mash)

    8-10 oz turkey breast
    1 baked potatoe

    8-10 oz chicken breast
    3 packets natural oats (like this pre-workout)

    3 tilapia fillets
    1 raisin/bran muffin
    1 yam (mash)

    8oz chicken breast
    3 packets natural oatmeal

    3 tilapia fillets
    3 packets natural oats
    1 tbsp flax

    Low fat cottage cheese
    **This meal does not happen everday, you have to know how your body works to know if you require something else or not.

    As for additives to foods I will sometimes put fat free sour cream on my potatoes/yams. Cinnamon on oats and I put black pepper on all of my meats.

    I know I said I wasnt going to get into supplements but I also do get some fat from conjugated linoleic acid throughout the day. And of course I didnt add in any of my vegetables, these are VERY important in any diet, I suggest you try to get some AT LEAST every other meal if not every.
    Last edited by C_Bino; 06-26-2006 at 09:49 PM.

  26. #26

    CNOTE, let me help you, when I did my first real bulk I was going through $100 worth of food every three days, I would take shots of olive oil, like 3 or 5 before bed because I was worried I was not getting enough calories.

    Mind you this wasn't all that lean but my body blew up in only 5 weeks

    Pre Breakfast 2 scoops of whey and water then shower

    Breakfast: 4-5 brawtwerst (150-200 Cals each!), 3 slices of whole wheat toast with Feta, 1 avocado and olive oil all on top of the toast),
    about 4 tbsps of peanut butter, 1 apple and 2 scopps of protein and 4 cups of whole milk over the course of the whole thing.

    then 3 scoops of micellar cassin 1.5 hrs later 2 cups of whole milk and a fist of peanut butter and 1 whole jumbo egg..= about 1000 calories

    this was all by 11 O'clock I havent even gotten to lunch yet

    WHen i went out I went out I always buy double like lets say I get a sandwhich I get two sanwiches and both with double meat!!!!

    I wasn't like a monster either, but I was serious!!
    thats when I found the secret to getting big-

    4 any one who is trying to get big, THE REASON WHY DUDES DONT GET BIG IS BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE THE GUTS TO EAT LIKE THIS, NOT BECAUSE THEY DONT TRAIN ENOUGH OR DO STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I can give you a breakdown of my diet if you wish. This is a sample and not the same everyday tho obviously...I am going to solely list my food intake and not get into any supplements (which also add to my caloric intake but its expensive and most people dont do it).

    10 egg whites
    3 whole eggs
    3 packets natural oats
    2 slices kraft cheese
    1 banana
    **sometimes I tbsp flax

    8-10oz lean beef
    1 Yam (mash)

    8-10 oz turkey breast
    1 baked potatoe

    8-10 oz chicken breast
    3 packets natural oats (like this pre-workout)

    3 tilapia fillets
    1 raisin/bran muffin
    1 yam (mash)

    8oz chicken breast
    3 packets natural oatmeal

    3 tilapia fillets
    3 packets natural oats
    1 tbsp flax

    Low fat cottage cheese
    **This meal does not happen everday, you have to know how your body works to know if you require something else or not.

    As for additives to foods I will sometimes put fat free sour cream on my potatoes/yams. Cinnamon on oats and I put black pepper on all of my meats.

    I know I said I wasnt going to get into supplements but I also do get some fat from conjugated linoleic acid throughout the day.
    f--ing har core. Save this post and use it as pat answer every week for the newbies. You will be my hero.

    Right on fuking diet, good job. Mine is close, but even after 20 years does not have the imagination.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cnote
    any thoughts on what i can do to get rid of my bitch tits that just started to come out and they are so tendor i need something to stop this.

    STOP YOUR CYCLE and get some tamox (which you should have had on hand prior to starting this cycle), read and get some more knowledge, get your training more regular, get your diet right and then maybe think of doing another cycle.

    have you tried weight gainers yet, most are sugar but if your metabolism is as fast as you appear,then high GI foods shouldn't be a problem for you.

    try mixing this up - 2-4 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 1 large scoop of peanut butter and 8 oz water - drink 3 of these a day and you should start gaining some weight.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    f--ing har core. Save this post and use it as pat answer every week for the newbies. You will be my hero.

    Right on fuking diet, good job. Mine is close, but even after 20 years does not have the imagination.
    Ya I usually dont post up diets or go into the diet forum often because honestly in my experience people just dont listen. They rely too heavily on shakes and think its ok, or they just simply dont have the dedication to prepare and eat that way.

    I have read many of your posts and especially your log in the HGH forum, good stuff man. You know what you are doing and it shows. Its great to have members like this, shoot me a PM anytime. I love trading info with educated people like yourself.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by layinglow
    do you even know if this stuffs real. does injection site really hurt the next day, this is a sure sign of prop.

    not necessarily.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    STOP YOUR CYCLE and get some tamox (which you should have had on hand prior to starting this cycle), read and get some more knowledge, get your training more regular, get your diet right and then maybe think of doing another cycle.

    have you tried weight gainers yet, most are sugar but if your metabolism is as fast as you appear,then high GI foods shouldn't be a problem for you.

    try mixing this up - 2-4 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 1 large scoop of peanut butter and 8 oz water - drink 3 of these a day and you should start gaining some weight.
    I bought some Letro it should be here soon I was told to continue cycle and incorporate letro.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    take it everyday, i love prop its my favorite test by far, but anytime i miss a day, it breaks me out bad... gotta keep it ed no matter what.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    how many MG's did u do ED or weekly? and how much anti-e did u take. shnouzed

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i take 100mg/ed with .5ml ldex eod... like i said though if i miss a day im broke out for about 3. so don't miss.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i just finished up a 6 week prop 100mg/ eod and it worked great for me. I wouldnt go every 3 days. If i do it again i will do it ed.

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