Hey guys im planning out my third cycle which i actually consider my second. My first one was 4 weeks of t-200 and gained about 10 pounds and i think i ended up littler than what i started out with. Then came the wonderful world of anabolicreview.com where i learned nite in and nite out abotu everything i needed to know about training,nutrition,rest,and AAS. well my second cycle was huge success and within the last year i have went from 236 pounds @ 19%b/f to 263 pounds @ 16-17% b/f where I stand now. Anyway,I am considering the following cycle and would like your opinions.
week 1-10 - 600-800 mg of test/wk
week 1-? - 75-100 mg fina ed
week 1-10 - 400 mg/wk equipoise or deca(?)
As you all can see im confused as to what to stack with the finaplex. If you could all give me some insight on what would be the best stack for me then please respond.
stats: 6'2 263 @16-17%b/f
goal two month's after cycle- 269-275 @ 13 % b/f