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Thread: no more yellow pee

  1. #1

    no more yellow pee

    okay i know this is a weird thread but im going for it anyway

    i take a lot of vitamins and i always have, and im always used to bright bright yellow pee but ever since i started using AAS my pee is nearly clear sometimes all the way clear. do you think this is because of that ASS i am using all of the vitamins i eat and none are being wasted? i know it proobably doesnt mean anything special but i just this about it every time i piss

    (sorry if this is more than you wanted to know haha)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    you're probably just drinking more water. when using gear, many people pay far more attention to what they need to do to make gains. this includes drinking more water than usual.

  3. #3
    Ususally has to do with water consumption. Dehydrated...there will be a yellowish color..usually the more pronounced the darker it is. Of course the opposite for being well hydrated. Pretty much mine is always so clear you can't even tell I just went to the bathroom

  4. #4
    damn..i havent had clear urine since i can remember. its that bright yellow color. i attribute it mostly to vitamins, because i do drink plenty of water. b vitamins usually will make your urine an almost flourescent yellow. i take alot of b5 to combat the lil red spots/acne on the shoulder area.

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