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Thread: 1 G of Test per wk,plus Nolva experiences?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    1 G of Test per wk,plus Nolva experiences?

    Guys, im planning an upcoming cycle consisting of 1G of Test E per wk...i want to keep my cholesterol levels in the healthy range and i know that letro, arimidex affect cholesterol significantly. Is 30mg of Nolva per day effective in combating gyno? Im not that prone to gyno but want to avoid it at all costs...experiences?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Bump anyone? Cmon theres plenty of people that run nolva?...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Im gonna send you a PM bud.

  4. #4
    Great forum!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Guys, im planning an upcoming cycle consisting of 1G of Test E per wk...i want to keep my cholesterol levels in the healthy range and i know that letro, arimidex affect cholesterol significantly. Is 30mg of Nolva per day effective in combating gyno? Im not that prone to gyno but want to avoid it at all costs...experiences?
    It's on an individual basis so no one can tell exactly what you need. I would start at 20mg and see if that does the job. If you start having gyno symptoms just bump up the dose from there until they're gone.
    In my own experience, when running 1g+ of test i'm able to get away with only 10mg of nolva.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why not use an A.I?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well, ive used letro and arimidex but ive read that both affect your cholesterol levels so i want to keep them in check nolva is supposed to improve cholesterol so thats why i wanted to use it....i just dont know if it will be strong enough with 1G of test...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Well, ive used letro and arimidex but ive read that both affect your cholesterol levels so i want to keep them in check nolva is supposed to improve cholesterol so thats why i wanted to use it....i just dont know if it will be strong enough with 1G of test...
    Take Arimidex and just watch your diet, take ***** oils, hawthorn berry capsules, and concentrated garlic tabs.

    If you think adex is that bad then go with 20mg nolva and add 50-75mg of proviron as your AI.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Smart@$$
    Take Arimidex and just watch your diet, take ***** oils, hawthorn berry capsules, and concentrated garlic tabs.

    If you think adex is that bad then go with 20mg nolva and add 50-75mg of proviron as your AI.
    *****= O M E G A

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yea i already take 30grams of o m e g a s every day along with policosanol, garlic, and hawthorne berry...gonna get bloodwork done after my contest to see where im currently using letro and kinda concerned where my cholesterol will be at after...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Yea i already take 30grams of o m e g a s every day along with policosanol, garlic, and hawthorne berry...gonna get bloodwork done after my contest to see where im currently using letro and kinda concerned where my cholesterol will be at after...
    not to hijack, i'm running .25gm pf armidex whould that effect my cholesterol level.
    Last edited by *Alex*; 06-20-2006 at 01:30 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I doubt it would have a significant effect on your cholesterol levels...i think im going to start 30mg of Nolva when i start up again in the fall...and just have aromasin on hand if things turn for the worse...

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