Originally Posted by
OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOY. Where do I start here. First and foremost edit your post and take out the lab name. Secondly you have been training off and on for 1 year and you think your body is ready for AAS? You are oh so wrong. You should be working out religiously for 3 years before you go near AAS. Just by looking at your stats I can see that you dont have a solid build yet. Going into a cycle like this will yield you poor results and you will look sloppy and not retain much of what you gained.
Now taking .5ml once a week of test deca and winny is just one of the worst ways to run a cycle I have ever heard of. I dont know where your friend gets these doses but it wouldnt surprise me if he just picked them out of thin air.
Firstly you should never pyramid your doses. Depending on the esters attached to each of these compounds you may need to shoot them everyday. Winny already should be shot each day, in fact I use winny twice per day because the active life is so short. So once a week is just a complete waste.
Also you dont even know the concentrations of these compounds. I dont know if your test is dosed at 50mg/mL or 300mg/mL and that makes a huge difference...Im sure you can see why. Also what type of test is it...prop, enth, cyp, sust, phenylprop... and the deca as well could be NPP which is a shorter ester than the regular longer ester.
I could go on a little more but Im sure you get the picture now that you need to do a lot of research around the site. Its a great site and you will find great ways to improve your physique through a great training and nutritional program. I suggest you visit those respective forums and get some advice. We are here to answer your questions and help you out, so please utilize these resources to the fullest as the friend you are hooked up with for this gear does not know what he is doing.