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Thread: cardio and cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question cardio and cycle question

    I plan on using tren-winny-eq in a cycle and possiblly some D-bol.

    First off, I was wondering if I could still continue to run or walk for an hour on an empty stomach in the morning? I usuall do that before I eat breakfast, just wanted to know if it was still ok and if it would harm take away from my gains.

    Second, Please tell me how you would stack and cycle these.

    Third, How much hcg, clomid, nolvadex would I need to use, I think I am pressy sensitive to gear that suppresses my natural test levels.

    Third, what do you think of the over the counter anti-estrogen drug cryasin or however it is spelled.

    stats- 5-10 215 bf? would look really lean if i droped 10-15 pounds
    goals- gain and retain some lean muscle mass, shed fat. looking to be about 205 -215 soild, low bf.

    please advise

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    How old are you brother? and second welcome!

    Tren / winny / eq and bol

    Drop the bol, tren is primarily used to build solid muscle and increase vascularity (sp) as too is winny. Bol on the other hand does the exact opposite. And all three are liver toxic So IMO i'd stick with the Tren/winny/eq. You shouldn't need nolva as progesterone gyno is only prevented with winny. Clomid is a must and hcg is kind'of an extra precaution two keep the boys hanging low. And lastly forget about the over the counter BS

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I am 25 years old, with 3 cycles under my belt. This was some time ago, I did a stright test cycle on my first(long long time ago) then I hit decca for way to long like 2.5 months, had bad problems with natural test levels, then about a year 1.5 years ago I hit sust at 750 mg week with eq at 600 a week and D-bol and 50 per day, that lasted about 7-8 weeks.

    let me know the time frame and how I should mix the tren-winny-eq.
    Thaks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    Weeks 1 - 10
    EQ - 400mg/week
    Weeks 5/7-10 (either/or)
    Fina 75 mg/ed
    winny 50mg/ed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    cool, thanks alot, good cycle in you opinion?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Thumbs up

    And Thanks for the welcome...Thats cool.

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