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Thread: Pain from Test Depot

  1. #1

    Pain from Test Depot

    Took my first Test Depot shot last night. Major pain in the glute. Is this normal. Order came from previous source that delivered Good gear, but with the amount of paint I am concerned. Last Shots were Sust220. Should this test Depot hurt worse than Test Prop?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Prop is usually worse, but don't get panicky yet. What many of us never seem to grasp, even after hundreds of injects, no two are the same. One time you move over just a bit and nick a vein, or wiggle just a little bit when injecting, go in at a bad angle-all of which can cause unusual levels of pain. I learned this as a kid with my brother's allergy shots, one time would be painless, next time same spot same drugs wham-o that poor sob would swell up lke he'd been stung by a hornet. So keep an eye on it watch for swelling discoloration and heat on the surface, but I'm bettin in 2 to 3 days you'll be feelin nothing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    massage the injection spot after u r wonders for me...on all my cycles i never spot injected and I'd be doing up to 4cc of gear EOD...i always get the shots in the glutes...

    Also, if you can have someone do the injections I guess it would help more than you doing them...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I would keep an eye on it and see how it is. I've had bad shots from depot that the pain lasted for a week.

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