Back in Dec I did a short SD cycle. It was cut short becuz of nasty sides that I encountered. My pre cycle T level was 600+. 4 weeks after ending the SD cycle with a 6-oxo pct, my test level was 297, FSH 5.6 LH 4.7 Prolactin 5.6. Did the same labs 4 months later and T 285, all the others were basically the same.
Could it be that the prolactin level is causing my crappy libido or is it just the test being so low? Also, would I benefit from doing Clom/Nolva now since it doesn't look like my T is coming back up naturally? Or am I just stuck with it?
Anyone else have similar situations. The SD cycle was my first and so far only cycle?
BTW, I am 29, 6'1" 186, 13%bf