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Thread: Masteron till PCT?

  1. #1

    Masteron till PCT?

    My cycle
    DBOl Weeks 1 - 4 @ 40mg ed
    Cyp Weeks 1 - 16 @ 800mg wk
    Masteron Weeks 13 - 18? or Weeks 11 - 16? @ 400mg wk
    Armidex Weeks 1 - (start masteron) @ .25mg ed
    Durastride Weeks 1 - 22 @ .5mg ed

    Ok my question is should I run my Masteron till I start my PCT so I am on something till right before I start Weeks 13 - 18, or should I run it while I am still injecting test so it has something to work with weeks 11 - 16. I am also planning to inject my masteron EOD and was wondering if I should also inject my Cyp EOD while I am on this schedule? Does anyone have any experience shooting a long ester test EOD and if so how did that work for yah?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    whats your bodyfat? you need to be less than 10% bodyfat to see effects from masteron

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverBack_69
    My cycle
    DBOl Weeks 1 - 4 @ 40mg ed
    Cyp Weeks 1 - 16 @ 800mg wk
    Masteron Weeks 13 - 18? or Weeks 11 - 16? @ 400mg wk
    Armidex Weeks 1 - (start masteron) @ .25mg ed
    Durastride Weeks 1 - 22 @ .5mg ed

    Ok my question is should I run my Masteron till I start my PCT so I am on something till right before I start Weeks 13 - 18, or should I run it while I am still injecting test so it has something to work with weeks 11 - 16. I am also planning to inject my masteron EOD and was wondering if I should also inject my Cyp EOD while I am on this schedule? Does anyone have any experience shooting a long ester test EOD and if so how did that work for yah?
    Yeah you can shoot long ester EOD, helps me out to get past high volume shots, and IMO gives steadier blood levels. As to the Masteron question, I would prolly run it right up to PCT. As for the BF%, masteron will work for you at higher BF% but you will not see the results, so for higher BF levels there are better bulking agents out there.JMO

  4. #4
    I am at about 9 - 10% BF so I should be ok. If I kick up my cardio a little bit I am sure I can get to about 8 - 9% BF before I start the masteron. One more question for yah how long can I expect the hard vascular look to stay for after I am off the masteron or should I be able to maintain it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    That really is a question of how quick you rebounds after PCT, and post cycle diet. So tough to answer, but IMO you will be fairly luck to maintain that hard dry look through the end of PCT, or at least I would be.

  6. #6
    Yah that is what I figured. Guess all I can do is keep working hard and see how it goes for me.

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