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  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    deca + finasteride ,anyone ???

    anyone here ran a deca and test cycle along with finasteride before and is predisposed to hairloss ,i am curious to know if anyone tried that ,also what are the effects of a test deca cycle on the hair for guys who have mpb and ran this stack before ,were you using any hairloss meds ,i just started a test deca cycle and i am curious of your experiences guys ..peace

  2. #2
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2006
    anyone ?

  3. #3
    jef is offline Member
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    i'm not pre disposed to hairloss myself by deca and fin...was not good. i'll never do it again. run fin without deca.

  4. #4
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jef
    i'm not pre disposed to hairloss myself by deca and fin...was not good. i'll never do it again. run fin without deca.
    can you please expalin cause i cant understand what you posted

  5. #5
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    what about you guys who had mpb and ran this stack ,how was it on your hair ?

  7. #7
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    personally it makes no sens to me, but maybe i should research it more....but deca converts to DHN the way test converts to DHT. DHN is a DHT -like hormone, but weaker. It is converted also by the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. Why using fina which blocks 5alpha reductase doesn't seem it would hurt...but for some reason it does for some. However, it could all be specualtion if ppl got their science wrong. You know how old ideas are seen as stupid after someone with a few brain cells says "hey, lets take another look at this." kinda like the idea wit tapering.
    Personally i just chalk it up as one more reason not to use deca. Deca seemed like the shiznit when i was 18. all the profiles made it sound so friendly. But really, its not as great a mass builder as test. it shuts you down more than test. its got this hairloss issue now. and, real deca is the most faked anabolic out there. So, IMO im stayin away from deca and opting for equipoise . The only reason i would use deca would be for jiont support. But equipoise does this even better than deca, while producing similar muscle gains. JMHO

  8. #8
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    personally it makes no sens to me, but maybe i should research it more....but deca converts to DHN the way test converts to DHT. DHN is a DHT -like hormone, but weaker. It is converted also by the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. Why using fina which blocks 5alpha reductase doesn't seem it would hurt...but for some reason it does for some. However, it could all be specualtion if ppl got their science wrong. You know how old ideas are seen as stupid after someone with a few brain cells says "hey, lets take another look at this." kinda like the idea wit tapering.
    Personally i just chalk it up as one more reason not to use deca. Deca seemed like the shiznit when i was 18. all the profiles made it sound so friendly. But really, its not as great a mass builder as test. it shuts you down more than test. its got this hairloss issue now. and, real deca is the most faked anabolic out there. So, IMO im stayin away from deca and opting for equipoise. The only reason i would use deca would be for jiont support. But equipoise does this even better than deca, while producing similar muscle gains. JMHO
    i reallu dunno but i have never heard someone saying that he ran both test deca and finasteride together and had more hairloss from the deca ,no one at all and i keep hearing dont run deca with finasteride ,i mean why ? did you guys run it and hairloss issues ?? no then what ,on paper dht is the main culprit for hairloss and thats why i will be using finasteride to stop hairloss from test ,on paper also deca would cause more hairloss than it does alone if used with finasteride but does it cause more hairloss than dht ?????? umm no one knows,i am thinking dealing with dht by using finasteride is better than dealing with the test and deca ,as far as the hairloss caused by deca and finasteride together ,it might be a myth and might be not cause really all the reading was just paper work no one really tried them both for real and guys who have mpb and run test and deca with no finasteride in the mix get hairloss issues ,for me i will try it and see how it goes and in case i had bad hairloss i will just quit the deca and up my test dose for the rest of the cycle ,i am just looking for guys who actually USED the combo ,wish me luck guys

  9. #9
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I HAVE use the combo of Deca and Test plus dutasteride. I used Nandrolone Phenylpropionate..and test prop and as soon i a finished running the deca all hairloss stopped immediately, even though i really wasnt losing much anyway, but it goes to show that combining the 2 will cause more hairloss.

  10. #10
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    I HAVE use the combo of Deca and Test plus dutasteride. I used Nandrolone Phenylpropionate..and test prop and as soon i a finished running the deca all hairloss stopped immediately, even though i really wasnt losing much anyway, but it goes to show that combining the 2 will cause more hairloss.
    thats what i was looking for some one who used the stack before ,thanks bro for replying ,i have took my first shot already so should i continue and see how it goes and quit the deca if i had problems or should i stop it from now ?? also were you just starting the dutasteride when u started the cycle cause that might be the cause of hairloss since some guys report more shedding at first..peace

  11. #11
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Na man, i started the dutasteride about 6 months before....just see how it goes, unless you are Very prone you still shouldnt see too much hairloss fomr the combo..anything like losing 20 hairs in the shower i say call it quits for the deca of luck

  12. #12
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Na man, i started the dutasteride about 6 months before....just see how it goes, unless you are Very prone you still shouldnt see too much hairloss fomr the combo..anything like losing 20 hairs in the shower i say call it quits for the of luck
    do u mean that if i notice 20 hairs or so i should quit the deca ? i thought the no was higher anyway i will see how it goes and if i had issues i will quit but the question is when i stop it will i still notice hairloss since its 2 weeks still in or would it be minimal?? anyway wish me luck and i will keep you guys updated ..peace

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Well, anyone can pull hair out easier when its wet like in the shower...but im just saying if you see something like 20 plus hairs then you know for sure you are prone to baldness and should stop the deca at that point....

  14. #14
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Well, anyone can pull hair out easier when its wet like in the shower...but im just saying if you see something like 20 plus hairs then you know for sure you are prone to baldness and should stop the deca at that point....
    i notice hair in my hands when i am showering etc but not on my pillow and not if its dry ,i tend to loose more when i have my hair tall ,i dont have a receeding line at all but i am thinking that my crown area is a little bit thinner ...umm i am curious when in the cycle should i use nizoral ?

  15. #15
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Use Nizoral 4 times per wk....

  16. #16
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Use Nizoral 4 times per wk....
    now or when the deca starts to kick in ? deca should kick at around week4 right and the test prop in 7 or 10 days ,right ? correct me if i am wrong

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