Hey guys, did a shot of Prop in my glute last night and had a freaky reaction.
I have been on the same stuff for 3 weeks, I aspirated and no blood, so I injected. when I pulled the needle out alot of blood ran out, not squirted but more than just a little drip. I pressed with an alcohol swap and then paper to stop it....didnt think much but about 5 min later I stared feeling dizzy, my hands when kinda tingley and felt like I was gonna pass out, then my heart started racing, bega beating faster and kept getting faster until I thought It was goona quit, I tryed to relax and take deep breaths and it did start to slow down, and I just felt wiped for the rest of the night.
anyone have that happen? and what was it?
this isnt my first cycle, I have done a few but this was a first.