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  1. #1
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Keeping my hair during a cycle

    Hey guys

    I posted before about ideas of what should consist of my first cycle, I got a lot of great advice, its much appreciated.

    However there was one question that I had that I didnt get answered. I have a receeding hairline, not bad, but recognizeable if I don't cut or comb my hair the right way. I'll be 27 early September, if I was 47 I probably wouldn't be as concerend, but I'd like to keep my hair as long as I can. I wasn't sure if I could keep my hair line as is with the use of minoxoidil, finasteride, and nizoral. I was looking at taking Test E between 250-500mg/week for 12 weeks.

    I was told by a guy at the gym,( and I could have been misinformed?), that for most every cycle, (unless it's something more DHT based like winny, where you'll lose more, or something much lighter as deca or primo, where you'll lose less), that you can assume that you'll lose a half an inch on your hairline every cycle, and its gone for good.

    So my questions are (1.)Is it true what the guy at the gym said
    (2.) If not what is the truth and what combinations of the hair products above, (or if there's more), could help and how often should I use them.

    Any other suggestions that I might have missed to help me keep my hair would definatly be appreciated

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    layinglow is offline Junior Member
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    there is no way to know exactly how much hair you will lose. Azelaic inhibits up to 100% of DHT so more effective then any tablet according to to , or use


  3. #3
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response Layinglow.

    I have looked around to find some Azelaic. I actually bought it a few years back from custom nutrition warehouse, however they dont carry it anymore. I searched the net and I'm not seeming to find anything. Is there any where you can suggest that carries it.

  4. #4
    beuleux's Avatar
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    bro i started receeding at 23 long before i knew what roids were, trust me by the time ur in ur early 30's u wont give a flying f*** about ur hairline, i dont even notice or care how much more i receed each cycle infact im sure i dont look any different each time

  5. #5
    layinglow is offline Junior Member
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    sorry bro I don't know where to get it

  6. #6
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    bro i started receeding at 23 long before i knew what roids were, trust me by the time ur in ur early 30's u wont give a flying f*** about ur hairline, i dont even notice or care how much more i receed each cycle infact im sure i dont look any different each time
    Speak for yerself.... Most men that care about their appearance want to keep their hair past 30. No hair = 1 hairstyle: monk-horse shoe-Bozo The Clown style. That ain't a good look on anybody. So the only other option is no hairstyle, shaved bald. If you look fine with a chrome dome then great, you are lucky. If you don't have the perfectly shaped head like most people you look like a ex-con, cancer patient or just plain crazy.

  7. #7
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Well fact of the matter is ..if you're prone to MPB you're going to lose your hair regardless of what you do.AAS will speed up the process.You can do whatever it is to prevent it but you will lose it.You can shave it like sealltte said but you may look like a idiot....but you can also get hair transplants ...or do like a few Pro BBers have done and go to hairclub.

  8. #8
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Well fact of the matter is ..if you're prone to MPB you're going to lose your hair regardless of what you do.AAS will speed up the process.You can do whatever it is to prevent it but you will lose it.You can shave it like sealltte said but you may look like a idiot....but you can also get hair transplants ...or do like a few Pro BBers have done and go to hairclub.

    I got 2,800 grafts, a transplant over 2 years ago. I now basically only use test, EQ and all other gear that is not a derivative of DHT with finastride. I also use GH and igf. So there is still a lot of stuff to use you just have to use prevention so you keep what you have.

  9. #9
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why in the hell would a guy want to keep the hair on his head? AAS doesn't want you to have it so you should comply.

  10. #10
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    make Proscar part of your me...

    LatinoPR...dermatology !

  11. #11
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Speak for yerself.... Most men that care about their appearance want to keep their hair past 30. No hair = 1 hairstyle: monk-horse shoe-Bozo The Clown style. That ain't a good look on anybody. So the only other option is no hairstyle, shaved bald. If you look fine with a chrome dome then great, you are lucky. If you don't have the perfectly shaped head like most people you look like a ex-con, cancer patient or just plain crazy.
    there is a difference between caring about ones appearance and outright vanity ever heard the expression "God granted me the serenity accept the things iI cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" theres nothing worse than seeing some muscular dude faff around with his girly hairdo for half an hour before hell even walk out the door, if there was a cure for baldness wed all know about it,

  12. #12
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    there is a difference between caring about ones appearance and outright vanity ever heard the expression "God granted me the serenity accept the things iI cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" theres nothing worse than seeing some muscular dude faff around with his girly hairdo for half an hour before hell even walk out the door, if there was a cure for baldness wed all know about it,
    i dont remember god mentioning steroids in the bible and wisdom would tell us not to do steroids at all.its a case of each to there own,caring about ones appearence is i believe important otherwise why bodybuild as that is altering your appearence big style.if your fine with being bold great,but theres nothing wrong about doing your hair it is part of your body so why not look after it,and to me theres nothing worse than seeing a man you know who has good hair and good looks(abit gay but still)turn in to a bold ape after a few cycles.

  13. #13
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    i dont remember god mentioning steroids in the bible and wisdom would tell us not to do steroids at all.its a case of each to there own,caring about ones appearence is i believe important otherwise why bodybuild as that is altering your appearence big style.if your fine with being bold great,but theres nothing wrong about doing your hair it is part of your body so why not look after it,and to me theres nothing worse than seeing a man you know who has good hair and good looks(abit gay but still)turn in to a bold ape after a few cycles.
    LMFAO i was already a bald ape before gear lol... god came to me in a dream last night and said "Beuleux my son, go forth and do roids"

    u obviously read the wrong bible lol

  14. #14
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Personally for me, I want to fight nature kicking and screaming, haha. I sort of luck out when it comes to some physical stuff, so if there's a procedure to change it...........I'm going for; naturally occruing mild gyno, (surgery in two years or less),....... started getting excessive body hair in my mid 20's, (started laser on it),........bags under my eyes from genetics starting to look really bad,......(surgery on them in two years),.......receeding hairline,.......I will eventually get the implant surgery done, but I'm putting this off till last on the list, b/c even though it's important to me, getting rid of my gyno, back hair, etc.....just nasty stuff that bugs me on a daily basis, is of more importance.

    With my hair right now, its not that its a huge deal and I don't really have great hair or a great cut........think of a shorter version of Geroge Clooney's hair a few years back......pretty simple and plain. It's just that I tried the bald look b/f, just out of curiosity, and found out that I have the one of the oddest shaped heads out there. I place little, to zero importance on other's opinions of me. But when I shaved my head the comments were getting a little excessive, (I realized I looked like an idiot as well but didn't care until excessiveness of the negative comments got redundant).....all the girls that I was friends with dubbed me "Luke"....short for lukemia, haha. My family's comments and actions are the one's that bothered me the most mom and aunts, constantly badgering me about how horrible I looked,........actually funny story,....... back then I was home from college for the summer and almost got booted out of the house b/c of it. We were to take a picture for our church, and if I didn't let my hair grow in I was going to get booted for the summer b/c my mother was that embarrased of the way I looked with a shaved head.

    But anyway I'll definatly try the Proscar, use Propecia, and Finasteride, and keep looking for the Azelaic.......not sure why custom nutritoin warehouse got rid of it,.......but I'm going to drop them a line to see if they can help me out. Any help from anyone on finding Azelaic would be much appreciated.

    Seattle, I thought test was a little harsh on the hair? If I'm misinformed definatly let me know. I'm under the impression that winny, d-bol, and the Test and it's derivitives, (like Sust), are the ones that are the harshest, and that Deca , EQ, Primo, and Anavar are easier on the hair line. I'm not too worried about gear such as Halo and Oxymetholone, b/c I don't have any desire or need to use them.

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    hair is hihgly overrated.

  16. #16
    briansauras's Avatar
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    Finastride is only good with test. I was planning on using 600mg saw palmetto ED + nizoral shampoo EOD and then montior it.

  17. #17
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    there is a difference between caring about ones appearance and outright vanity ever heard the expression "God granted me the serenity accept the things iI cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" theres nothing worse than seeing some muscular dude faff around with his girly hairdo for half an hour before hell even walk out the door, if there was a cure for baldness wed all know about it,
    Your opinion is respected and shared by other people I'm sure. But it sounds like you've been bald most of your adult life and you're fine with it. Good for you and you probably look fine bald. I know damn well I do not look fine bald and I choose not to be bald. You hair is part of your healthy appearance regardless of your take on it. Your hair responds to the nutrients you put in your body so it's indication of general health as well as your muscles. To have the option of having hair or shaving it off is nice. I feel you are limited on options if you've lost all of of your hair. Of course, that's IMO.

    Hair also makes a lot of guys look younger as they age. The hair on the sides and back but bald ontop with a buff body still makes you look older IMO. Buff body with a full head of hair always makes a guy look younger. Now skin is another indication of health and age. A lot of men don't take care of their skin. Especially when going out in the sun. I have taken care of my skin and I'm now 37 and I have no wrinkles, bags under the eyes, spots, etc. I see guys my same age or younger that look like their 15 years older than me. It's scary. Aren't we doing AAS and other things for our health and how we feel? Outward appearance means a lot on how we feel on a daily basis.

  18. #18
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smeyers
    Seattle, I thought test was a little harsh on the hair? If I'm misinformed definatly let me know. I'm under the impression that winny, d-bol, and the Test and it's derivitives, (like Sust), are the ones that are the harshest, and that Deca, EQ, Primo, and Anavar are easier on the hair line. I'm not too worried about gear such as Halo and Oxymetholone, b/c I don't have any desire or need to use them.

    No, test with finastride or dutastride is great. Remember the 5-ar inhibitors (fin & dut) were made for naturally occuring test in your body converting to DHT. So it works perfect against exogenous test since it's mimmicking natty test. Winny, drol, tren , etc are all derivatives of DHT so there is no conversion like test so fin & dut do nothing in helping prevent MPB. One side note is do NOT take fin or dut with deca . It will actually make you lose more hair. I don't remember the exact reasoning but it's documented.

    IMO Rogaine and all topicals are junk and don't do much if anything. Finastride or Dutastride attack the problem where it starts, inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme which converts test into DHT.

  19. #19
    man_of_steel's Avatar
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    dude,thats not entirely true..I have hair down to the small of my back and theres always gonna be a little "thinning"factor going on,but unless you're genetically predesposed to male pattern baldness,its not entirely the a.s...theres alot to be concerned with,especially stress and diet..look into it for me,I've never receded an inch a that case I'd have pretty short

  20. #20
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    elmers glue

  21. #21
    man_of_steel's Avatar
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    dude,thats f**ckin cheesey...elmers glue?? nigga please.....the guy wants real advice here,c'mon

  22. #22
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Man of Steel, unfortuantely I lucked out and I'm prone to MPB. I'll turn 27 early Sept, and I've noticed a minute hairline recession since I was 18. It has progressed quite slowly and isn't too bad, do to trying to minimize outside factors as much as you menitoned stress, and dietary facotrs, and with my hair styled the right way you can't really notice it, however I'm trying to prolong it as long as possible. Naturally in about probably 4-5 years or so I'd probably be a canidate for a minor hair transplantion.

    Seattle, that makes sense now about the fin. and dut. with test, I didn't really think about it, until you pointed it out. I also didn't know that about the deca , definatly good to know. Is there any precationary hair product to take b/f or when using deca,.....or is it something I shouldn't worry about too much b/c of it's makeup.

    Basically the gear that I was planning on doing, (b/f posting this), was basically Test E for my first cycle, and eventually sometime in the future I was looking things that are mild to only mediumly harsh as far as sides go: deca, primo, anavar , d-bol, and other tests, prop and sust. However now I'm thinking of just sticking with the different Tests and possible Deca and probably Primo in the future, provided that Deca isn't too harsh on the hairline, or that there's something to combat it.

  23. #23
    znak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    LMFAO i was already a bald ape before gear lol... god came to me in a dream last night and said "Beuleux my son, go forth and do roids"

    u obviously read the wrong bible lol

  24. #24
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Speak for yerself.... Most men that care about their appearance want to keep their hair past 30. No hair = 1 hairstyle: monk-horse shoe-Bozo The Clown style. That ain't a good look on anybody. So the only other option is no hairstyle, shaved bald. If you look fine with a chrome dome then great, you are lucky. If you don't have the perfectly shaped head like most people you look like a [B]ex-con, cancer patient or just plain crazy.[B/]
    i look like all three

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