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Thread: Need critique of my entire plan.

  1. #1

    Need critique of my entire plan.

    I am writing this to hopefully get responses from members who are more accomplished than I, who can offer as much advice on how/what I should change and why. I am still researching and learning what works for myself, gaining a greater sense of what is happening in my body but, it's always nice to hear it from those that have been where I am. I am learning more and more every day.

    Although I don't consider myself a "bodybuilder" by my definition, I am hopeful that with my continuing efforts and a little help from you guys, I will have achieved what it takes to be considered one some day. I am not willing to allow myself to become an average weightlifter who does things to 75% of their capability and in retrospect, realizes they aren't were they want to/should be.

    I am 24 years old, been lifting since I was 17. Weight I average through the week currently is 239 at an unfortunate 18% bodyfat which is primarily the result of an increased caloric intake consisting of what is less than optimal to achieve my goals (I am working on this).

    Current diet outline, basica idea (suggested to me after seeing current diet):
    10:00am 1 scoop protein, 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup egg beaters, 1 ½ cups 2% milk, water. You're bulking right? This is a weak breakfast, only approx 350calories. I'd do 1.5cups eggwhites w/1cup oats & 2eggs w/yolks for some fats.. Now you're looking at around 600calories.

    12::30 PWO- 1 ½ scoops protein, 1 cup 2% milk, 1/3 cup oats ½ cup egg beaters. Dextrose/maltodextrin mix with 2 tbsp fiber in water. Again with the protein supplementing. Try 6oz chicken breast + 1cup B.Rice here or 1med potato.

    2:30pm similar to the one listed above, but substitute salmon or tuna (fatty fish) w/some veggies + small amount of carbs 50g or less.

    4:00pm steak (palm sized), tuna w/2 tbsp miracle whip, 2 whole wheat bread slices. Not bad, but I'd drop the bread IMO and replace with sweet potato, rice or reg potato, but bread will do on a somewhat clean bulk.

    6:30pm chicken breast (fist sized) and half of this: 1 ½ scoops protein, 1 cup 2% milk, 1-2 tbsp xtra virgin olive oil, 1/3 cup oats, 2 whole eggs, ½ cup egg beaters. You drink this without cooking? Milk has too much sugar so I'd drop it, more carbs per meal, seem like you're scared of eating carbs, they will not making you fat if you time them correctly and eat the right kinds.

    9:00pm tuna sandwhich same as earlier, with 1 cup lean (80/20, not very lean IMO) ground beef with chili for flavoring. Not bad but kinda late for all the carbs IMO with that much fat.. I'd eat the tuna plain or with mayo and the beef. Possibly 1slice of bread.

    11:30pm other half of my shake, rest of the ground beef (1/3 cup) I like a solid meal before bed, but everyone is different. I like to drink my shake middle of the night when I get up to help with catabolism.

    1:30am 1 scoop Protein in water with egg beaters (1/2 cup) I'd wake up mid night and take this shake with a bit of flax.

    My ultimate goal which will probably take the better part of 2-3 years to accomplish is to get to 240-250 @ 12-15% bodyfat while staying relatively as healthy as possible.

    Cycle experience:
    1. Test cyp 500mg weeks 1-8 then 750 weeks 9-12 approx.
    end result: Cyp was more than likely underdosed in my opinion, as slim to nil gains were experienced on a similar diet as listed above. Seemed to greatly help my shoulder problem (mild type 1 irritation of left acromioclavicular ligament), was never able to use barbell previous to this for at least 4 months prior. Post cycle, shoulder feels great and able to inclien more than I can flat bench.

    2.Current: Dbol 50mg ed weeks 1-4 and cyp 750mg 1-12 was the idea but dbol was bunk and replaced with anadrol by source which also was not dosed properly or bad. No effects were experienced from up to 100mg dbol or 200mg adrol at all. 6 weeks in and decent strength gains as well as a little noticeable size. Bad back acne and hair growth on back. Squat has flown up about 50lbs for reps.

    3. Future: deca 600mg 1-10/cyp 6-700 1-12/Dbol (maybe even REAL this time!) 40-50mg ed 1-4-6 / var 40mg 8-14

    Existing injuries:
    left ac ligament/right knee/l4-l5

    Lifting routine:
    day 1- Upper body:
    Chest: Incline bb bench 3 sets/incline db bp 2 sets/flat db bp 1 set
    Back: narrow underhand grip puldowns 3-4 sets/BB rows 1-2 sets
    Delts:Lateral raises 2 sets/presses 2-3 sets
    Traps: shrugs 3 sets
    Triceps: bb skull crushers 3 sets/rope pressdowns 1-2 sets
    Biceps: bb curls 2-3 sets/preacher curls db 2-3 sets
    day 2- off
    day 3-lower body:
    Squats 3-4 sets/SLDL 2-3 sets/ham curls 1-3 sets/leg ext 3-4 sets/calf raises bb 3 sets
    day 4-off
    day 5-repeat

    I have been on this routine in the past ith sucess but not sure how it will work now. I noticed I need to really limit the amount of sets and exercises or I can and will overtrain on this. I feel like I only need 3 days rest after a good WO, to be fully recovered and ready to hit em again.

    Any advice and all advice/input/opinons will be appreciated.
    Last edited by guest589745; 06-24-2006 at 10:46 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    You do not need to get up in the middle of the night down a shake, the human body doesn't work like that. Just eat a solid meal with complex carbs and meat with some healthy fat and a tad of 'bad' fat of testosterone support with about 10-15g whey if you wish.

    Also, i don't know how to tell you this cuz you’re my boy in all but that training routine sucks IMHO, my granny could do better

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Also, i don't know how to tell you this cuz you’re my boy in all but that training routine sucks IMHO, my granny could do better

    Lol, I knew I would get. Im glad youre honest, I need this. The reasoning behind that routine is that it allows me to train more frequently. I noticed that on a mon/wed/fri split of each BP once a week, each bodypart was recovered days before I was scheduled to train them again.

    Lay somethin out if you have time K, I know you can suggest somethin you think would work better. I will try it out and hey, hopefully it will be better than what I'm on now. I'm totally willing to do what the more experienced members such as yourself, suggest.
    Last edited by guest589745; 06-24-2006 at 01:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'll PM you my new routine starting Monday. I hurt my back a few months ago and was on a lengthy break, I’ve started again but my training has been really sporadic due to other engagements and from being a lazymofo.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I'll PM you me new routine starting Monday. .
    I'll be waiting like it was christmas eve in 3rd grade.

    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I hurt my back a few months ago and was on a lengthy break, I’ve started again but my training has been really sporadic due to other engagements and from being a lazymofo.
    I know exactly how that is. My ac ligament and L4/L5 are my only chronic inuries for the most part. I want HGH.......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I'll be waiting like it was christmas eve in 3rd grade.

    I know exactly how that is. My ac ligament and L4/L5 are my only chronic inuries for the most part. I want HGH.......
    LOL.... Maybe Santa Big Klg will visit my pm box with the routine also..

  8. #8
    On a note pertaining to my diet and how I can improve it, I have heard that why protein is not the best way to go about supplementing and such but, aminos instead, are better in some way. I need to read pinns thread but, I am interested in including this if worth it....

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Whey is the BEST protein. The problem with whey is that it's absorbed so quickly that most (I can't remember the %) of it is oxidized by the liver before it can be utilized properly.

    The key to defeating this is to either mix the whey and sip on it over the course of say an hour or two or drink the whey with solid food, complex carbs with plenty of fiber is best to slow down the absorption rate of the whey. Consume it with simple sugars to get a slin spike so the protein is stored before the liver can burn it up. (Well doing this regularly will make you fat, not good) or use slin 20-30 mins before the whey (not a good idea unless you know exactly what you’re doing) so option one or two is best.

  11. #11
    Interesting. Good thing Ive been taking it with oats then.

  12. #12
    Also, does anyone think a carb cut off would be a good idea? What time etc?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I never liked the idea really i tried it and IMO it sucked. Nothing wrong with some pro/carb/fats at night. In fact it should be done, especially if you're bulking or on cycle. Don't be scared of food man.

  14. #14
    Ok, now what about mixing fat/carbs? Should I still try to keep them seperate? If so, what would be a good way to do so?

  15. #15
    Little more added to initial post..

  16. #16
    I would like to thank Big K/IBdmfkr for apparently being the only ones to give a shit so far.......

    Nah, I know its kinda long and that tends to turn people off. Seriously, am I not being specific enough?

  17. #17

  18. #18
    Just found this thread. Agreed that workout is pitiful LMAO.. come to TX and hit a lift
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Just found this thread. Agreed that workout is pitiful LMAO.. come to TX and hit a lift
    Well help a brotha out godamnit!!!!

    Come on, I wanna hear what you guys do or suggest.

  20. #20
    I lift EOD heavy, very few isolated movements: *EX*

    SUN: OFF

    Mon: Legs (squats, legpress, weight lunges) maybe calves

    Tues: OFF

    Wed: Chest/shoulders/calves (incline dumbbells, flat press or dumbbells, decline hammerstrength), Sometimes do military and/or lateral raises, don't need much shoulder work with the rest of my routine do them usually once every 3wks.

    Thurs: OFF

    Fri: Back/abs (number of things, switch it out workout to workout)
    ex workout1: (Weighted widegrip pull-ups, Bentover dumbbell rows, Tbar rows, rear delt work)
    ex workout2: (Seated rows, latpulls, hammerstrength rows, reardelt work)

    Sat: OFF

    Sun: Repeat.

    Every 3rd week I do a shoulder/arm routine by itself following a leg workout, split legs into two days that week for adequate rest of my upperbody. (make sense)?

  21. #21
    Yup gotcha, I was on a 3x a week split before that was somewhat like yours, but like I said above, any given muscle felt recovered days before I was scheduled to work it agian and I felt like I was wasting time. Everyone suggest a split that is similar to the one you listed though so, there must be a reason, i dunno, I might go back to my old split. I have to admit, Ive not heard of many using the same split as mine so........

  22. #22
    After I made this switch I'll never go back to my old routine, 5on2off. I feel much more rested/more energy for lifts/high intensity/less injuries/much better gains. Your body needs rest, it grows outside of the gym.. That's why diet is SO important.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  23. #23
    My old split:

    Monday: chest/tris/front delts
    incline bp/incline db bp/flat close grip bp/skullcrushers/lateral raises/tri pressdowns

    wed: squats/SLDL/leg ext/ham curls/calf raises/cruncehs

    fri: cable pulldwons/bb rows/shrugs/db curls/bb curls

    Basically that, would change a little here and there depending on how I felt.

  24. #24
    Possibly up the intensity of the routine you listed.. some ppl go in there and it's more of a routine than a training session. Get a good workout partner if that's a problem.
    No reason you shouldn't have been making gains off of that old routine.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  25. #25
    Yea shit, I wish I could find a partner.

    Alright, thanks IBd.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    just for kicks and giggles take a gander at my workout log and my diet..
    u kan find my diet somewhere in the diet section calld MY DIET LOL
    and u can view my log if u havent already seen it in my signature... if u have any specific cycling Q's PM/ Diet/Training PM me

  27. #27
    Alright, will do. Thanks tai, I appreciate that.

    Lemme take a look.........

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    just for kicks and giggles take a gander at my workout log and my diet..
    u kan find my diet somewhere in the diet section calld MY DIET LOL
    and u can view my log if u havent already seen it in my signature... if u have any specific cycling Q's PM/ Diet/Training PM me

    Holy shit! Dude, I never knew you were 290+! I wish I had what I need in me to be able to lift 6xweek and gain. I would overtrain easily.

  29. #29
    Alright, how about this. I'll try to be as specific as possible.

    pecs / triceps / front&medial delts
    ~Incline BB BP-3 warmup sets (15+ reps nto to failure), 3 working sets (12,10,8 reps)
    ~Flat DB BP-3 working sets (12,10,6 reps)
    ~BB shoulder press- 1 warmup set (15+ reps), 3 working sets (14,10,8 reps)
    ~Lying BB skullcrushers- 3 working sets (12,10,8 reps)
    ~Rope tricep pressdowns- 2 workign sets (12,8 reps)

    Quads / Hams / calves / low back / abs
    ~Squats, wide stance- 3 warmups(good mornings 1 setx25 reps, 2 15+ rep sets of squats) 4 working sets (15,12,10,8 reps)
    ~SLDL- 3 working sets (10,8,6 reps)
    ~Leg ext- 3 working sets (15,12,10 reps)
    ~Calf raises- 4 sets (15,12,10,8 reps)
    ~weighted crunches or rope crunches

    Lats / traps / biceps / forearms
    ~Close underhand grip pulldowns- 2 warmups (15+ reps), 3 working sets (12,10,8 reps)
    ~BB rows- 3 working sets (12,10,8 reps)
    ~DB shrugs- 3 working sets(15,12,10 reps)
    ~BB curls- 3 working sets (15, 12, 10 reps)
    ~DB preacher curls- 3 workign sets (15,12,10 reps)
    ~BB Wrist curls- 3 sets (25,12,10 reps)

    And as for my next cycle....

    I really havent planned on going again after this current one, til 5 months from now or so but, I was considering doin PCT now after 6 weeks, gettin bloodwork done, then if able to, run my deca/dbol/cyp/var...?? I wantde to do this kinda because my current cycle which was suppposed to include dbol, got ****ed up due to it being shitty dbol. Still dont know if Ill do this though....

  30. #30

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Are your delts a strong bodypart? I never treated my delts as a 'small' bodypart and hit em like chest or back and in turn they grew. Grew i lil to much but grew all the same. I think you're trying to squeeze too much work into one session. Can't you workout one more day?

  32. #32
    I was thinkin of splittin it into am/pm like you listed but, yea, I can get another day in. How would you suggest I do that though.....

    I am kinda fearful of overtraining I suppose cause I did it for so long when I was younger. At the same time, if I feel recoverd I think I should work that muscle.

    My front delts/traps/chest is my strongest bodyparts. Maybe yer right, about treatin em like a larger BP, I never thought of them as large though.
    Last edited by guest589745; 06-25-2006 at 08:39 PM.

  33. #33

  34. #34
    One last bump.....

  35. #35
    bump for skull's sissy routine. lmao
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    bump for skull's sissy routine. lmao
    You sonofa........

    HEY, I changed it..... alright..??!!

    I took what Big K does which was what I thought was interesting, and I went back to a split that is similar to my old routine cause you said I shouldnt have had problems gaining on that. Well, since i have my diet better now, I will see if that helps my gains.

    I posted a thrad of it in the WO section.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Holy shit! Dude, I never knew you were 290+! I wish I had what I need in me to be able to lift 6xweek and gain. I would overtrain easily.
    aye well right now im lifting 3x a week and loving it .. i do many different phases of training which i think you should invest in .. since u cant do the same thing for ever.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    aye well right now im lifting 3x a week and loving it .. i do many different phases of training which i think you should invest in .. since u cant do the same thing for ever.

    How are you lifting 3x week when I see day 1,2,3,4,5,6 then rest?

    I know i cant do the same thing forever but, there is only so much that I can change something without fukkin it up ya know? I just try to lift either more reps or more weight, sometimes sets.

  39. #39
    How the hell can this thing have 250 views and only three people replied in like 4 days!?

    Eh, I learned from it at least.........

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    How are you lifting 3x week when I see day 1,2,3,4,5,6 then rest?

    I know i cant do the same thing forever but, there is only so much that I can change something without fukkin it up ya know? I just try to lift either more reps or more weight, sometimes sets.
    LOOK AT THE REST OF THE PAGES U DORK! lol there are like 8 pages
    skip to the last 3 u see some nice progress

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