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Thread: Cant decide on what to take for cutting cycel!! Please Help

  1. #1

    Cant decide on what to take for cutting cycel!! Please Help

    What's up

    This is going to be my 2nd cycle, and I'm looking for something that will get me more cut up. My first cycle I did was the Primo/Winstrol. It was a great cycle!! I gained some size about 10 lbs, and my strength gains were unbelievable. But it didn't harden me up the way I though it would do. I did primo 300 mg/w for 8 weeks, and winstrol 50mg/ed for 5 weeks. Right now I'm 204 @ 6'1.

    I have 3 choices I want to choose from. Either Primo/Winstrol, Equipoise/Winstrol, or Winstrol//Clen/ECA(2 weeks onff). But I can't decide on what would be best for the goals I want to reach. Can anyone either from experience or better knowledge on this subject help me out?

    Thanks bros,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Go for fina/winny or fina/eq IMO. Maybe throw in some prop. Seriously dude, whatever you use throw in fina @ 75mg ED and you will get EXACTLY what you want out of it and probably way fucking more.

  3. #3
    i agree with nate,if your looking to get hard as nails
    tren 75mg ed wk 1-7
    winny 50 mg ed wk 1-7
    prop 75-100 mg ed wk 1-7
    this was a cycle i am just ending now and i got solid in just 1 wk
    dont expect much in the gaining dept,but if its hardness you want this will do it.
    i got so hard in 1 wk i couldnt lift my arms in a y position because my delts and traps were so hard they wouldnt streach that far

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Well if all you have access to is what you stated above do EQ/Winny/ECA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    don't forget the cardio and diet...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Like ripped said out of your 3 choices i would go with EQ/winny. and if you can get some fina i would throw that in. EQ week 1-12 400mgs, fina week 1-6 75mgs ED, winny week 7-12 50mgs ED. JMO

  7. #7
    Thanks for ur replies!!

    Yeah, I was thinking of fina but my guy I go through can't get it.

    I think I'll try the Winny/EQ cycle. Irish4life, thats the exact cycle I was thinking of doing except for the fina. I was also thinking of just adding the Clen/ECA 2weeks on/off and running it throughout the cycle. Tell me what u think??

    I was also wondering I dont have any experiences with using EQ, but I always thought Primo was a better hardener than EQ was. Can someone tell me what they think is better from experiences??

    Thanks again,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    you can convert fina pellets with kits. Im quite sure you know about that already.

    thought i would mention it just in case

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