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Thread: My 2 Cents.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In the Gym

    Some thing every new guy should Know

    i have been reading post after post and the information on here is great!! right on the money. I do think that there is one thing that a lot of new guys should know when ever planning a cycle make sure you have all the things you will need NOT JUST A.S there is PCT, liver maintance EXT..... I have seen so many posts not just here but plenty of other boards with guys starting cycles with 2 things and waiting for 3 and 4 and when 3 and 4 don’t come they are screwed Before tacking any A.S have a prevention & recovery Kit Always like HCG, clomid, novadex, letro . EXT. these things are every bit as important as the A.S its self. So when planning a cycle Include these things if you cant afford them than wait until you do.

    because there is more to A.s than juice, there is training, diet, body genetics Do you even know what body style you posses? Endomorph, mesomorph, knowing the basic of genetics will enable you to know to some degree what genetics do what, proteins, fat, diet, mass, new guys keep a log book on your cycles what you are taking , how much weight you put on how much water, what your diet is like how many days a week you trained did your balls shrink at what dosage and what week..? this way you can dissect your program add and subtract AS, food , this will help you know which gear you are suited for given what you want But you can look your best But most of all FEEL YOUR BEST AND BE HEALTHY thats the most important

    This post is not meet for MODS or guys with experience but new guys and just because you did a cycle or 2 don’t make you a guru because after 12 years I am still learning , the smart bodybuilder knows what works for them because they listen and learn AND MOST OF ALL RESEARCH and THAN RESEARCH SOME MORE

    just my 2 cents
    Last edited by Mr_disfunkshun; 06-25-2006 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Good post man, but what happened to spelling, grammar, and punctuation? I'm not ripping you, but your knowledge would be better accepted if you would write with a bit more clarity......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    central valley CA
    good post though. dont worry bro, i cant spell

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    LOL...well yeah grammar is helpful...but disfunkshun you need to keep reading bro....cause whenever anyone asks about starting a cycle the first thing we ask is...stats???age??.cycle experience??especially if they just joined the board and we dont know him!!The first thing we say is make sure you have everything BEFORE you START your cycle including PCT!!!But we appreciate your post bro...thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In the Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    Good post man, but what happened to spelling, grammar, and punctuation? I'm not ripping you, but your knowledge would be better accepted if you would write with a bit more clarity......

    thanks i edited the post Sorry about my spelling , it does suck LOL and I ment no disrespect to all the bros that post on here I do relize that you ask all the right questions and give the right answers but some guys dont think about these things that are important, so they never even ask until there's a problem . thats all I am sorry if I afended anyone

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    No bro...absolutely no offense was taken...not by me ...and know one else shouldve been offended.Like i said we appreciate the post!!!...keep them coming have a valid point about what you said...we do have guys come on here and post there cycle and lo and behold they have not a clue about what they have gotten themselves into.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_disfunkshun
    thanks i edited the post Sorry about my spelling , it does suck LOL and I ment no disrespect to all the bros that post on here I do relize that you ask all the right questions and give the right answers but some guys dont think about these things that are important, so they never even ask until there's a problem . thats all I am sorry if I afended anyone
    You definetely didn't offend me!! I just wanted to mention those things because it is important how information is presented. I'm sure you have a lot to offer people here and by the looks of your avatar, assuming that is you, you've come quite far in bodybuilding.......Good to have you here!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    good post mr_disfunkshun. it is a very very good point. and its true. there is not enough people asking enough questions about pct. especially newbies. the questions dont usually start to be asked until the 2nd cycle because they lost all their gains from their lack of pct in first cycle. i always try to say that PCT is more important to plan out then your cycle itself. if you go back a bit in the results journals forum i had a pct thread i did for myself. it was pretty good and successful.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_disfunkshun
    thanks i edited the post Sorry about my spelling , it does suck LOL and I ment no disrespect to all the bros that post on here I do relize that you ask all the right questions and give the right answers but some guys dont think about these things that are important, so they never even ask until there's a problem . thats all I am sorry if I afended anyone
    There is a spell check function on this site.

    If any of the bros are upset by your spelling, they can save your posts and spell check them.

    Good post bro.

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