i have been reading post after post and the information on here is great!! right on the money. I do think that there is one thing that a lot of new guys should know when ever planning a cycle make sure you have all the things you will need NOT JUST A.S there is PCT, liver maintance EXT..... I have seen so many posts not just here but plenty of other boards with guys starting cycles with 2 things and waiting for 3 and 4 and when 3 and 4 don’t come they are screwed Before tacking any A.S have a prevention & recovery Kit Always like HCG, clomid, novadex, letro . EXT. these things are every bit as important as the A.S its self. So when planning a cycle Include these things if you cant afford them than wait until you do.
because there is more to A.s than juice, there is training, diet, body genetics Do you even know what body style you posses? Endomorph, mesomorph, knowing the basic of genetics will enable you to know to some degree what genetics do what, proteins, fat, diet, mass, new guys keep a log book on your cycles what you are taking , how much weight you put on how much water, what your diet is like how many days a week you trained did your balls shrink at what dosage and what week..? this way you can dissect your program add and subtract AS, food , this will help you know which gear you are suited for given what you want But you can look your best But most of all FEEL YOUR BEST AND BE HEALTHY thats the most important
This post is not meet for MODS or guys with experience but new guys and just because you did a cycle or 2 don’t make you a guru because after 12 years I am still learning , the smart bodybuilder knows what works for them because they listen and learn AND MOST OF ALL RESEARCH and THAN RESEARCH SOME MORE
just my 2 cents