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Thread: test/var ---> Cardiovascular side effects?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    test/var ---> Cardiovascular side effects?

    Hey Bros,
    I'm on week 5 of test/var stack (test is 500 mg wk and var is 80 mg ED). I've gained 15 lbs already with no change in BF and my strength is through the roof. The only negative so far is that I've been getting extremely winded in the gym. Whereas I used to work out for 2 hours and walk around between sets, I now have to sit and catch my breath after each set. It's very tiring. Is it just because I'm lifting more weight? Or is this a potentially dangerous effect on my CV system? I've been taking niacin / policosanol to protect cholestorol and milk thistle / r-ala for liver protection. Any suggestions or experiences? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's probaly just the extra weight you have put on that tend's to make you get winded easier

    I would still get your bp checked to be on the safe side

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    2 hrs seems like a pretty long workout...mabye that's why. especially if you are on aas and doing heavy lifting.

    i personally never go over 1.5 hrs MAX when using gear.

    when off gear i keep it to 1hr or less.

    if im not mistaken after 45-1hr. cortisol levels raise and can be extremely catabolic, (doing more damage by training longer)...if your juicing you should not have to worry about this too much though./..

    good luck...and as horse said get you BP cxhecked...Walgreens sells fairly priced electronic ones

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You pushing your self much harder. There for your body need more ox for the muscle. So you will find that your a little more winded. You will get use to this after a few weeks. This is were eq works well by incresing red blood cells.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I suggest using a bit of B-12. Helps increase red blood count. Vit E too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thanks for the suggestions! I think it's a combination of elevated BP and increased load. Gymrat - It's not a matter of working out for too long - I get extremely winded after even my first set of my first exercise. Def going to check the BP.

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