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Thread: conversions

  1. #1


    can someone help me understand the mg/ml conversions?? I was looking at an EQ vial, n it was 50mg/ml.. it was a 10 ml vial. so to shoot 500 mg EQ, I would have to shoot the entire vial at once? Or do i split it up throughout the week? This goes for any other shot as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Here it is bro, mg is the weight of the drug contained in 1ml of the fluid base. For example 1ml of 50mg EQ has 50mg of boldenone undecanate. If you're EQ were 200mg it would be 200mg per ml. So yes, your vial has 500mg of EQ total. So if you were taking 500mg/week split the dosages up 2x per week (but 5ml is a lot to shoot at one time). Just remember that ml is a unit of measurement and mg is a unit of mass (weight). One other thing...1ml = 1cc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bro-you need more studying I think.
    Eq-from what I know-has a shorter half-life and should thus be shot several times a week-don't even think of trying to shoot 10cc at once.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by shaaba
    Bro-you need more studying I think.
    Eq-from what I know-has a shorter half-life and should thus be shot several times a week-don't even think of trying to shoot 10cc at once.
    Like you said-you need more studying. Equipoise or boldenone undecylenate, this ester greatly extends its activity, its one carbon atom longer than Deca, so its activity can run to 4 weeks, this is not a short half-life! Usually it is used in a cycle of 300-400mgs a week. Since Champ only has the 50mg/ml, multiple shots per week are necessary to get to that level only because its crazy to try to shoot 6 to 8cc at once. That's why ya try to hook up some eq @ 200mg/ml.
    And Pete got it right on.

  5. #5
    Thanks guys.. I appreciate it.
    I know most of my stuff, I just didn't know bout any of the conversions or much about needles :|

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