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Thread: Thanks To All Those.......

  1. #1

    Thanks To All Those.......

    Dear friends, fellow bodybuilders and sports athletes both men and women, to those who know me and have supported me both physically, emotionally and mentally I thank you and my life is still my own thanks to you. I wont mention names because you already know who you are, and furthermore I wish to thank all those for thier understanding and signs of good faith. I know times are hard and this sport and what we do makes it very hard for people to trust individuals and always leads people to thinking the worst, just remember not everyone out there is bad, turns bad or becomes a scammer. This has been without a doubt the worst 6 months of my life and just as it feels like things cant get any worse, they do. I used to be able to support myself, look after those who looked after me and sleep at night and have the respect from a few that I admired. During the time in business I have learnt alot, not only about others but also about myself, in the 6 months I lost my girlfriend, my home, $10,000 +, now my car and as each day goes by it seems more and more like my family as well. I had nothing and always intended to clear my debts before I get out of this while I still can. I know a lot of people turned on me, alot of people spoke good to my face and then evil behind my back, I hold no bad feelings and can understand the mentality of people when it comes to these kind of matters. Ive been scammed 4 or 5 times during mu existance, 3 of which effected me greatly, that was for $2500, then $4500, then $10,000, the others where reverse scammers. I kept on believing despite not being able to sleep at night or for more than a few hours and never stopped believing, my friends have been great and been there for me, its not always easy to get a message accross through the internet but here is mine, thanks so much and from the debts I have, many of them small I plan on doing this:

    To anyone who had an order for over $250 please send the order to [email protected] and they will be sent to you by another respected moderator, any debts under this please send WU info and it will be cleared by Wednesday next week if not before. I will deduct $35 from the order to cover WU costs to all being refunded.

    To you, and you know who you are, thanks for working with me, for that you have my respect and admiration for ever, this plan will work out and you will get it all back, I hope you know that by now, once again thanks.

    Please e-mail with either the order information or the western union information and title the e-mail either WU info or Order info. As I said orders will be sent via someone else so I have proof it was sent and so do you, for another $10 deduction he will send it with tracking information.

    What can I say, this has been an experience I wouldnt wish upon anyone and during that time I had no one or nothing, but that little bit of hope kept me sane and now im doing the right thing, I dont believe in scamming and despite what anyone may think or feel that isnt happening right now, I could have walked away, moved country, changed my name, but it isnt and never will be in me. To anyone who may be listening, keep the faith and never give up, as they say there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.............

    Ptbyjason and to anyone else from other boards, please do not delete this thread, please copy and paste it on to the other boards you know of, bouncer, thanks for all, ironfist a man that is more than just a man, barbells it goes without saying, ranger, bbigman, wrongun, Big al the list goes on and all I can say is thanks to those who were there when it really counted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good to hear from you bro, get in touch when you can, I miss our chats!

    I hope the worse is over and you can get back to enjoying your life again, gutted about the car bro I know you loved that car.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Got your SMS on the cell phone mate, you know I'm only at the end of a phone call any time of day or night.

    Member's please treat Impeccable with the greatest respect, I know how much he's endured in recent times and through all his personal pain and strife he's always had his customers to the front of his mind.

    Kindest regards to you and your's buddy..

    (Not that the 'Rice Rocket is gone, get yourself a Vespa )

    A private joke guys!.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    Very sorry to hear what has been going on - we havent kept in touch much lately - but I would be the first to tell anyone that you will come through, if given time.

    In these times it is hard to remember but still true - that all those other things can be gotten back, the 10K, the rice guzzler, etc - but keeping your sense of who you are, your honor and your self respect is something that once lost, cannot be bought with any price - and so I laud you for having the courage to choose that path.


  5. #5
    G-S Guest
    I don't get it. Was he busted? Or just scammed heavily and is getting out of the game now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    he was not busted - just screwed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    I've got alot of respect for ya bro...You're definately a man of honor and a man of your word...I'm sorry to hear of all the tragic problems you've been having. I guess I can be there spiritually for you but it's kinda hard to do much more seeing as how I am a few thousand miles away. You're one of the most standup guys I know one of the few people whom I fully trust. keep in touch bro, hopefully we can meet up one of these days. I wish the best to ya and hope that these hards times are all but over for ya. Take care

    BTW, I thought i was the only one who made fun of your "rice rocket"? I didn't know there were others...LOL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    don't know u, but looks like u had some hard time, hang in bro. i'll bump so others can read.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You are one hell of a human being bro. If there are people out there who are not understanding and causing you further unrest send 'em our way and we'll take care of 'em for ya. Seriously, just tell them to PM a mod over here so you don't have to worry about wasting more time explaining the situation. I'm not 100% on where things stand now but if I can help in any way let me know bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    i for one am really glad your back bro, and i hope everything is at least on its way to being worked out. if you need me you know where to find me...........

    be well bro bb79

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well bro I,m sorry to have heard what happened to you it truly is a bad deal.As Cyc said and Ironfist losing 10K plus,the car,house is a nightmare one couldn't even imagine but to honour your debts and to remain defiant and to make good the bad only deserves the utmost respect.Your one true guy who has has maintained his integrity when the shit hit the fan and bro I totally respect that.

    We spoke a couple of times and you helped me out if I can do ANYTHING to return that favour just ask me bro if I can help I will.

    Good luck bro

  12. #12
    Hello everyone, I am usually found on another board but would like to add to this thread. Impeccable is a man of his word. Without getting into details, he is taking care of something that most of you here have no idea as to the magnatude of it. I will admit, I was a bit nervous when things went bad for him, but he has made me a believer with his honesty. In this game, it is not something you come by too often and he should be applauded for his integrity.
    I think the name " Impeccable " speaks for itself.

    the mechanic

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I messaged you a few times threw email, you don't know me really, but I know unfortunitly things kept going down hill, but you kept a positive out look it seemed to me. Just start to rebuild with a plan. It show's good character to not turn to the wrong side.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Impeccable is a better man then most. Keep your head up bro. It will get better.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bump for Impecc.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    i dont know this guy ,or the situation but i respect what he is doing and hope the best for him

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Like some other guys said, I don't think I know you, but that's a real admirable thing to do refunding peoples' money. It would have been easy for you to just turn the screw on everyone who trusted you like people you trusted obviously did to you, but you did the right thing and held personal dignity and integrity above all else. Good work bro and best of luck to you. You can't keep a good man down

  18. #18
    Thanks a lot to all those who have been there and for the kind and encouraging words, it may not seem it but it means a lot.... I will be back some day posting again as soon as all this is cleared up... Be Safe

  19. #19
    Just to let everyone know that e-mails will be returned by tomorrow with all necessary info in them, thanks once again to all those for their support

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