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Thread: Dose Question

  1. #1
    lzicc's Avatar
    lzicc is offline Senior Member
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    Dose Question

    I've been doing alot of reading up on low dose cycles.

    My question is how does one know at what dose would it be considered a waste? I'm using test e for instance. Can the body only absorb so much at a time?

  2. #2
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Low dose cycles? Not sure I'm with you Izicc-Do you mean is there a max high dose you can take? Or do you mean how little do you take before you hit replacement levels?

  3. #3
    lzicc's Avatar
    lzicc is offline Senior Member
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    Let's say I do 500 mg ew of test e. Now if I would bump it up to 750mg ew, how would I know if I am wasting it at that point or not?

    I know on my last cycle I bumped up the dose from 500mg to 750mg halfway through and could not tell a differnce, so I went back down to 500mg and finished my cycle. I just wonder how much of this stuff I am actually wasting by going to high of a dose.

    I am also wondering if maybe 500mg ew is overkill for me. Maybe I could respond just as well with a lower dose.

  4. #4
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Ok, I think I see what you're after. First off, Test does have a dose repondent curve meaning the more you take the more you gain, naturally this is a curve so there is a point of diminishing returns, but I don't think you and I have to worry about that-I have cycled well over a 1gram/week and definately felt more than I did at say 750, and there are many pros who use or have used amount above 5 grams per week, so the threshold IMO is still an unknown(but since we ain't even close to 5 grams a weeks I would say we are not even close to "wasting" gear). As to lowering your dose, you could certainly try it and see what happens at 400 or even 350 I doubt you would see much gain at all below this point. It all depends on the gains you seek and how your progress is, if you are satisfied with what you are getting now I say leave it alone, if you want more gains you may have to up the dose. Just my .02

  5. #5
    lzicc's Avatar
    lzicc is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks shortie. I might give a low dose a shot. I can always raise it. I run pretty long cycles so I can experiment with the doses. I know myself that when I am on a cycle, I don't gain alot of weight, but what I gain stays with me after the cycle has ended. I'm not one to retain alot of water.

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