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Thread: Best Dose's for stacking test and D-bol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Question Best Dose's for stacking test and D-bol

    Ok first off this is my first post, so whats up everyone. Anyways I am about to do my second cycle I've ever done, my first which was about a year ago was just 10cc's of test 100 propianate. Anyways I'm about to get another bottle of Test, and I have a bottle of good D-bol from my brother, and I've heard its good to stack these too. So I was wondering If anyone here has done a stack like this and if so whats the best dosage I shood take and when.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    I would advise you to read up a bit more.. then come up with your own cycle and we will critique it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Alright I've been reading up, and I've come up with this.

    Taking 400mg test once a week for 11 weeks
    taking 35mg of the D-Bol every day for the first 4 weeks

    any help? any critiques?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Can anybody quit ignoring this post, and please help me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    first relax a bit.. nobody is ignoring your post..
    I would recommend
    Weeks 1-10 (12) Test E @ 500mg per weeks split up into 2 shots
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 35 mg per day split up through out the day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Calm down, This is a volunteer service we provide.... Some people do have day jobs.

    It would help to know your complete stats, and goals for a cycle you want us to help with.

    Age, height , weight, food intake, lifting, GOALS for the cycle, previous cycles

    You didnt' say what kind of test you have, so you haven't been reading ENOGH.
    Each ester is different and requires different injection times
    You didn't mention anything about PCT and if you know what it is or if you have it?

    NOW no more screaming, and WELCOME TO AR

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    My bad, im wanting to start tomarrow so Im kind of impatient right now sry.

    Height: 6,0ft

    I wanting bulk up, and gain the most mass possible off this stack. Im going to be trying to eat about 300 grams of protein per day, plus other food exc.

    The test I'm about to get in an hours is called T2 I think is test cyp.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Also around when should I inject both these? I work out around noon everyday, so I'm thinking about taking 250mg of test and 15-20mg of d-bol right when I wake up, then taking the other 15-20mg of d-bol in the afternoon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    spread the dbol evently throughout the day...say 2 tabs in morning, 2 at noon and 2 at around 6 pm (assuming u have 5mg tabs, making a total of 30mg ED...if u need more, up the number of tabs)...u should have about 4 hours diff between them bcoz of the half life of dbol..

    as for the test, i recommend u up it up to 500mg/EW and do them in two injections say monday and thursday (if we r talking test e or test c)...some will tell u monday night and thursday morning...personally i do 'em at night, after work out...thats important especially if u spot inject as I hear it can cause pains when u work out the area u injected....

  10. #10
    The more you take the more gains you will get to an extent but at the same time you ahve to be very very careful and know exactly what your doing to your body.

  11. #11
    Whats yer split look like?

    List your diet, be specific.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Othello
    spread the dbol evently throughout the day...say 2 tabs in morning, 2 at noon and 2 at around 6 pm (assuming u have 5mg tabs, making a total of 30mg ED...if u need more, up the number of tabs)...u should have about 4 hours diff between them bcoz of the half life of dbol..

    as for the test, i recommend u up it up to 500mg/EW and do them in two injections say monday and thursday (if we r talking test e or test c)...some will tell u monday night and thursday morning...personally i do 'em at night, after work out...thats important especially if u spot inject as I hear it can cause pains when u work out the area u injected....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    bro dont start it tomorrow, give urself atleast another week to ask questions, not just on this forum but of other people who have used AAS, cause trust me i gave myself an extra week and i ended not doingit for another 3 weeks so i could get everything ready etc. DO u even hav some kinda of PCT plan, atleast nolva?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i personally say:
    1-4 Dbol 40mg/ed
    1-12 Test Cypionate 600mg/wk

  15. #15
    Split dose like this if it is in fact a long estered test like cyp/enan.

    week 1 through 12: 250mg test twice a week, approx 3.5 days apart per injection.

    week 1-4: 25mg Dbol everyday, split into at least 2-3 doses 3 hours apart.

    You need to research "PCT" (post cycle therapy). This is very important if you want to maintain your gains from the cycle after you are done.

    I would recomend purchasing at least 2 tamox's from ARR here. Maybe clomid too, which is also found here.

    Here is how you will use them:

    weeks 1-12: 10mg nolva(tamox) everyday. all in one dose, morning whatever.

    now PCT:
    weeks (long estered test's take about 2 weeks to diminish) 14-18: 20mg nolva/tamox everyday, one dose. If you have clomid, there is a common protocol where you would dose it like this for PCT: day 1-100mg, then 50 everday for the remainder of the PCT which should roughly be at least a month. THe clomid method I laid out is subject to different opinions an whatnot so mayeb get another opinion on that but, I think you would be fine doing what I listed.

    If you do not take the nolva during and especially AFTER the cycle, you are at a much greater risk for estrogen related side effects like gyno (bitch tits) etc so be safe and buy the shit and use it.

    Now that we have laid out the cycle, you need to really get up to par with your diet and training. remember, you can still over/under train even while yer on.

    As far as cals, get at least like 300g protein everyday, HEALTHY fats, complex carbs that are low on the glycimic index ie sweet potatoes, yams, oats. chicken and steak need to be your best friends. Taking some whey PWO and with yer Dbol wouldnt be a bda idea either.

    oh one last thing: for liver protection from the Dbol (since its a 17aa and therefore hepatoxic (it can **** up yer liver)), maybe invest in some liv52 or milk thistle that can be purchased for relatively cheap.

    I hope I pointed you in the right safe and good luck.

  16. #16
    Oh and you can rotate glute (ass) injections, like left monday, right thursday etc. dont bother tryin to go for the chest shots or delts. pointless IMO. inject into the upper outer quadrant of your glute, almost by yer hip. not sure if you injected before but im just layin it all out. injections are a sinch.

    Apply heat after you inject, to the injected area to help with soreness that may occur. this should help a lot. somehting really hot, like a hot shower or heat pad.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by END-RAGE
    bro dont start it tomorrow, give urself atleast another week to ask questions, not just on this forum but of other people who have used AAS, cause trust me i gave myself an extra week and i ended not doingit for another 3 weeks so i could get everything ready etc. DO u even hav some kinda of PCT plan, atleast nolva?
    I agree with end-rage...if you want to do somehting, do it right or dont do give yourself a little more time...
    I understand the urge one feels, its like u need to start ASAP...but beleive me, and I've been there before...better wait a little and get the full benefit from the stuff you have...rather than waste it because you did not know how to use it properly...the best that could happen is that you loose any eventual gains you may have made, the worse, you could mess up your hormonal system pretty bad... so take your time bro... like papa bull said to his son, lets walk down there slowly, and do them all....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Hey the d-bol I have is 10cc in liquid form!

  19. #19
    awww, that sucks IMO. I have had bad experiences with liquid Dbol and Adrol. Hope it works better for you though. thats gonna be a pain in th eass to space it out.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    How much dbol and test do you have? how many mgs is your dbol per ml???

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