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  1. #1
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    What Should I expect

    Just got my stuff in:

    20ccs of test e
    20ccs of deca
    10ccs of eq

    I was thinking about taking 500 test e and 300 deca a week. This is my first cycle I have ever done. The thing is I weight 188lbs, 5'9, already have 19inch arms and can bench 385. What I am saying is I do NOT want to gain lots of water mass and get huge. I am good size. I look like i retain a lot of water weight now even before using test, i can only imagine what I will look like after.

    What do you guys think about switching my first cycle to:
    250 test
    300 deca
    200 eq
    all once a week on different days?

    My goal is to gain rock hard muscle. I have the diet and work out discipline to do it. i have been working out for over 10 years (and I am 28 years old) very hard in the gym. I have a well rounded work out. I have always been strong, but never really really cut. I have heard you really don't want to do a cutting cycle for your first cycle. what do you all think??

  2. #2
    superchumbo is offline New Member
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    Looks pretty good to me. A modest dose with < 1g total of anabolics per week.

    I like the fact that you're including deca and eq together, the eq will promote the hardness and perhaps lessen the water bloat often seen with deca.

    Run it for as long as you can till you run out of eq or deca.
    But add 2 weeks of test after, because deca and eq have got really long esters, you don't want to have low test levels.

    So test should be the last drug running in your system to taper off.

    Hope you have got PCT planned ahead

  3. #3
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds good. Question though. I thought people experience water bloat from test more than deca ? is that true?

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    If this is your FIRST cycle, you do NOT need all that gear!! You are best to start with the single ester Test ALONE !! This way you will know exactly what your body is reacting to. Save the Deca adn the Eq for future cycles.

    You mentioned NOTHING of PCT compounds
    Test E should be shot every 3.5 days or twice a week!!!

  5. #5
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by superchumbo
    Looks pretty good to me. A modest dose with < 1g total of anabolics per week.

    I like the fact that you're including deca and eq together, the eq will promote the hardness and perhaps lessen the water bloat often seen with deca.

    Run it for as long as you can till you run out of eq or deca.
    But add 2 weeks of test after, because deca and eq have got really long esters, you don't want to have low test levels.

    So test should be the last drug running in your system to taper off.

    Hope you have got PCT planned ahead
    hmmm i know everyone probably hates me because it seems im the grouch of AR but i think this is terrible advice and i dont know why you think eq qill lessen bloat lol..i say you run the test alone @ 500mgs/wk for 10-12 weeks...i suppose you could include deca but this is up for debate..many say one compound only for first cycle...imo just do the test and run it alondside an AI to reduce the bloat and keep estrogen at dont have nearly enough it as it should be run 400mg/ew for 12 weeks MINIMUM i hope your pct is lined up....if your diet and training is in check you will gain well..i personally think you could pack on afew more pounds before you cycle but this is up to you

    sorry to ask so late but what is your age and bf percentage? if your bf percentage is decent props on the arms!!

  6. #6
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    If this is your FIRST cycle, you do NOT need all that gear!! You are best to start with the single ester Test ALONE !! This way you will know exactly what your body is reacting to. Save the Deca adn the Eq for future cycles.

    You mentioned NOTHING of PCT compounds
    Test E should be shot every 3.5 days or twice a week!!!
    hmm...time to go back to math class sman lol sorry im just bitter you beat me to posting lol but every 3.5 days is twice a week as there are 7 days in a week

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    hmm...time to go back to math class sman lol sorry im just bitter you beat me to posting lol but every 3.5 days is twice a week as there are 7 days in a week
    OK Bitter man...lolol I know it is I was just trying to be specific as it seems he has NO clue..... Some people wouldnt' go the extra 12 hours to hit it at 3.5

    Why so bitter brother?? Having a bad day???

  8. #8
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    OK Bitter man...lolol I know it is I was just trying to be specific as it seems he has NO clue..... Some people wouldnt' go the extra 12 hours to hit it at 3.5

    Why so bitter brother?? Having a bad day???
    haha no cuz i hardly ever run cardio so my girlfriend and i went out running on the streets and its leg day and my quads are VERY sore lol so im thinking of hitting some shoulders today instead

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    haha no cuz i hardly ever run cardio so my girlfriend and i went out running on the streets and its leg day and my quads are VERY sore lol so im thinking of hitting some shoulders today instead
    I understand, but dont' be bitter, at least you have a girlfriend.....

    Yeah do shoulders sense beatin the legs again

  10. #10
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well Im gonna agree with Anabolios here. Superchumbo doesnt seem to know what he is talking about but feels like he wants to give advice, well that's fine but he should be prepared for me to call him out on ALL of it.
    I like the fact that you're including deca and eq together, the eq will promote the hardness and perhaps lessen the water bloat often seen with deca.
    Absolutely not true.
    Run it for as long as you can till you run out of eq or deca.
    As long as he a 60 week cycle sound good to you? RIGHT...
    Looks pretty good to me.
    So what looks good to you? The fact that he is injecting once a week which is completely wrong and will probably leave him with some bad side effects? Or the fact that he is running three different compounds in his first cycle?

    Anways, to the original poster you need to post up the doses you plan to run and the length of time with each as well. Allow me to show you:

    Example cycle:
    Week 1-14 Test Enth 500mg
    Week 1-12 Deca 400mg
    Week 1-12 EQ 400mg

    Post up your cycle in this fashion so we can help you. Giving us info like 10cc of EQ doesnt tell us much at all. Your EQ could be dosed at 50mg/cc or 200mg/cc. How are we supposed to know.

  11. #11
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the help guys. To the last poster. I had two thoughts for my first cycle.

    500 test
    300 deca
    12 weeks


    250 test
    300 deca
    200 eq

    I was just throwing the second out there to see what everyone thinks. My body fat is probbaly 14 to 16 %. When I weight 182 it was 11%, but I wasn't as strong. Honestly, most people assume I am using now because of my body type. I want to add quality muscle, and decrease my body fat into single digits. Can I do it with my first cycle choice? I appreciate you guys helping me instead of bashing me.

  12. #12
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YZFR1Tim
    Thanks for the help guys. To the last poster. I had two thoughts for my first cycle.

    500 test
    300 deca
    12 weeks


    250 test
    300 deca
    200 eq

    I was just throwing the second out there to see what everyone thinks. My body fat is probbaly 14 to 16 %. When I weight 182 it was 11%, but I wasn't as strong. Honestly, most people assume I am using now because of my body type. I want to add quality muscle, and decrease my body fat into single digits. Can I do it with my first cycle choice? I appreciate you guys helping me instead of bashing me.
    hmm give us all your gear i hope that was a joke because being demanding wont get you shieeet but yeah the second cycle is just use test some will say deca is ok to throw in there but i think it would complicate stuff more.... as far as quality muscle that depends mostly on your training and diet dont listen to sites that say deca has most retainable gains bla bla bla you can retain gains with a lot of stuff with proper pct,diet and training i know that phrase is beat worse than a red headed stepchild but its true...neways post up your pct and well tell ya what we think...buyt rule out that 2nd cycle as it is about as useful as caca

  13. #13
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    What do you guys advice for pct? clomid and novladex?

  14. #14
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Nolva is fine can use the clomid...but some people report vision keep that in mind.

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