My first cycle was D-bol by itself. I noticed good strength increased with only 5# increase in weight in first week of 20mg. I never exceeded 20mg and ran them for 6 weeks. After coming off them I lost the 5# and retained all strength. I initially started with 225# bench for 3 reps. After D-Bol run I increased to 225# bench for 8-9 reps for 4 sets. My second cycle was much better but very costly. I ran d-bol for couple of weeks while shooting sus, eq for 8 weeks. pct was ok I didn't have any side effects. (I ran both cycles with my brother who experienced the shrinking of sack and other sides. I never did. Sack really never shrunk and sex drive was a little more intense. I am not sure if age makes a difference because I am 36 while brother is 23.) Strength went through the roof. Bench went from 225# for 8-9 reps to 20 in 2 weeks. Went from 250 max to 315 max. Overall size was GREAT. I gained 14 pounds and now was at 214#. Had some trouble shooting because everything was so tight. After coming off second cycle I lost 12# and am currently at 202. I retained all strength. I am still maxing at 315 and its been 8 months later. With the two cycles I gained 10 pounds of lean and basically maintained original weight. I was thinking of running the d-bol again by itself in hopes to increase bench to 6 or so reps of 315. After finding out about this site and reading post I am not sure what I should do. Should I get some Test and run it too or not. Past personal experience proved to be good without Test. What do you guys think I should do based on your knowledge and my past experience? I was going to by some 17-HD which seems to be a small dose of Test but I need to do more research on that. If you have comments on 17-HD that would be GREAT too.