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Thread: Ashtma, Test, and Deca?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Ashtma, Test, and Deca?

    I have read through nearly all the post since 2004 about asthma and roids.
    I am 28 yrs old. Worked out for 10 years and this is my first cycle i will be starting.

    I am a severe asthmatic. I take advair and theopholine twice a day (theopholine is a pill that helps keep your airways open, its not anytype of steroid whatsoever).

    I know the difference between AAS and cortisteroids so lets not have that discussion. What I am worried about is the test or deca having a alergic reaction off of it and dying. ?? No one has said that, but jut curious. Please give me some feedback you ashtmatics!

    I also take an inhaler when needed (which is usually twice a day or so).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    I've taken prednisone while on test, deca, var, & Gh. Everything went fine.

    You might want to consult with your Doctor or start with some gel or mild

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I am probably NOT going to consult my doctor for obvious reasons. I doubt it will have an adverse affect on me, just being cautious. If anyone else has any info let me know.
    Thanks guys

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