First of all, I want to say that this board is the best on the net. If you can't find your answer here you won't find it anywhere. I also want to thank the mods and members for all the advice I was given on my first cycle. You guys helped me out alot and it was greatly apprieciated.
I'm currenty planning my next cycle which i'll be starting in a few months. My first cycle was a little mild(EQ/Winny), but I was pleased with my results. I plan on going a little stronger this time and so far it looks like this:
Wk 1-10: 400mg EQ(Qv)
Wk 1-10: 500mg Test Eth(ICN Galenka)
Wk 1-5 : 30-40mg Anavar(Spa Ox) - not sure on this dose
Wk 7-11: 50mg Winny ED(TT Stanol V)
Wk 1-11: 10gms Creatine ED
Wk 1-11: 10gms Glutamine ED
Wk 1-12: 1000mgs Milk Thistle ED
Start Clomid post cycle one week after Winny at 300mgs/1st day; 100mgs/days 2-10; 50mgs/days11-20.
I plan on using armidex and having Nolva on hand. Not sure on these dosages. Also, how does the generic forms of these compare?
I also would like to include clen and Eca into this cycle but I'm not sure of when and how much.
Help a bro out. Any advice is greatly appreciated.