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Thread: Help with my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Talking Help with my cycle

    First of all, I want to say that this board is the best on the net. If you can't find your answer here you won't find it anywhere. I also want to thank the mods and members for all the advice I was given on my first cycle. You guys helped me out alot and it was greatly apprieciated.
    I'm currenty planning my next cycle which i'll be starting in a few months. My first cycle was a little mild(EQ/Winny), but I was pleased with my results. I plan on going a little stronger this time and so far it looks like this:

    Wk 1-10: 400mg EQ(Qv)
    Wk 1-10: 500mg Test Eth(ICN Galenka)
    Wk 1-5 : 30-40mg Anavar(Spa Ox) - not sure on this dose
    Wk 7-11: 50mg Winny ED(TT Stanol V)
    Wk 1-11: 10gms Creatine ED
    Wk 1-11: 10gms Glutamine ED
    Wk 1-12: 1000mgs Milk Thistle ED

    Start Clomid post cycle one week after Winny at 300mgs/1st day; 100mgs/days 2-10; 50mgs/days11-20.
    I plan on using armidex and having Nolva on hand. Not sure on these dosages. Also, how does the generic forms of these compare?
    I also would like to include clen and Eca into this cycle but I'm not sure of when and how much.
    Help a bro out. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by 01dragonslayer; 06-21-2002 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Looks like a textbook setup bro! ; ) Great job!

    Anavar dosages look high...seeing this is your 2nd cycle i would maybe dose anavar @ 10mg everyday and up the dosages if you aren't happy with the results.....JMO.

    As for is said to use .25mg per 250mg of you may want to use .5mg/ED but try using .5mg/EOD first and if you begin to bloat or get symptoms of gyno then up it to .5mg/ED....just trying to save some Novaldex should be administered if you get symptoms of gyno (which you would have a slight chance of this happening since you are going to run arimidex) but if that doesn't help and gyno symptoms don't go away. Dose novaldex @ 60mg every day until symptoms subside....then 20mg every day throughout the remainder of the cycle (through clomid).

    I'll let the bros with more knowledge help you to incorporate the clen and ECA...I know its best used 2 weeks clen, then 2 weeks ECA...but not sure where to put it into the cyle.

    Hope i helped you somewhat!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    PS......clomid can start 2 weeks after Winny....because it will take EQ 3 weeks to metabolize out of the body. Or you could run winny weeks 8-12 and start clomid 1 week could also (if you have enough) run winny weeks 8-13 and start clomid the day after winny is gone....JMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    looks good bro...looks expensive too...esp running 10 g of creatine ED for 11 weeks...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Can I get some more opinons? Mods? Vets?

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