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Thread: For anyone cycle both tren a and tren e

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym

    For anyone cycle both tren a and tren e

    Did you ever cycle tren a and tren e not at the same time but in different cycles? If so, were the sides lesser with one one then the other?

    I would think that the tren e would keep more stable levels then tren a would since it does not peak as fast.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lzicc
    Did you ever cycle tren a and tren e not at the same time but in different cycles? If so, were the sides lesser with one one then the other?

    I would think that the tren e would keep more stable levels then tren a would since it does not peak as fast.
    Tren Acetate is way better than Tren E.... I tried both at large doses and the difference is night and day... But you can definetly expect to see the sides of Tren using the Acetate ester...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    So from you experience, the tren e gave you less sides, but the gains were not as good?

  4. #4
    well i searched this a while ago and was told that the tren a has side that kick in sooner and leave sooner, the tren e takes longer to peak and takes longer to leave. tren is tren and the sides are there, its just hof fast you got them and get rid of them. That is my understanding.

  5. #5
    i used tren e but never tren a, the sides on tren e were so extreme i quit taking it 3 shots early and gave them to my friend for his tren e cycle

    i will NEVER use tren E again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    im in my 5th week of tren a 75mgs eod. besides night sweats some night mares and a little agression and a couple of zits it hasint been bad at all. strength has gone throu the roof. my opinion tren great even if you have some sides.

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