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An example of something that you could do would be a 6 week cycle. Start your t3 at 25mcg and increase it every 3-4 days by 25 more until you reach your desired dose, then maintain that for the entire 6 week period.
Lets just say you don't have ketotifen available, we'll go with the first 2 weeks on with clen starting at 60mcg and increase by 20 every day until desired dose is reached. Run it at a straight dose until the 2 weeks is over and then go off completely. Stay off for 2 more weeks and then finish off the last 2 weeks on clen again in the same pattern.
Let's say you could get ketotifen, then your cycle would be set up the same way with t3. However the clen dose would be worked up by 20 again in the same pattern, however you'll stay on for the full 6 weeks. Now as far as how to use it, you can either go 2-3mg per day throughout the entire cycle or run it at a slightly higher dose for a week, every three weeks.