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Thread: T3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Ive searched and cant really find any good info on it. I was thinking about running it in my next cycle along with clen. using it for 4wks going from 25mcg to 50 and then tapering back down.
    Im going to be running 75mg prop and 75mg tren ed for 10wks.

    any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    Ive searched and cant really find any good info on it. I was thinking about running it in my next cycle along with clen. using it for 4wks going from 25mcg to 50 and then tapering back down.
    Im going to be running 75mg prop and 75mg tren ed for 10wks.

    any suggestions?
    er ah...enjoy it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    what was the bad about T3?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Absolutely nothing.
    He asked for suggestions on running it up to 50mcgs, and the only thing I could think of was, "enjoy it". There's really no question in this thread.


  5. #5
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    Ive searched and cant really find any good info on it. I was thinking about running it in my next cycle along with clen. using it for 4wks going from 25mcg to 50 and then tapering back down.
    Im going to be running 75mg prop and 75mg tren ed for 10wks.

    any suggestions?

    Search harder, there's all kinds of info on t3. Look in the profiles section under cytomel for a start.
    There's no need to taper back down and I would personally run the dose higher then that as well and also run the t3/clen for longer then 4 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What are your stats and goals. Why do you feel you need t3?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    What are your stats and goals. Why do you feel you need t3?
    5'8 205. Im looking to cut this next cycle since i put on some extra weight bulking. I just figured t3 could really help me get that look I want. Im already planning on eating a clean 2500cals.

    i've read the profile page but it doesnt say anything about duration/dosage. Ive read all sorts of things about it and they all kind of contradict each other. So I was just looking for some help and correct info.

  8. #8
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras

    i've read the profile page but it doesnt say anything about duration/dosage. Ive read all sorts of things about it and they all kind of contradict each other. So I was just looking for some help and correct info.
    There is no set proper dosage for everyone. You have to see how your body reacts to it. I personally like to sit at 100mcg and I run t3 cycles for much longer periods of time then most people do, 10+ weeks. I taper up when starting but never taper it back down.
    The most accurate way to determine how much you should use would be to monitor your temp first thing in the morning before getting out of bed and then base your dosage increase upon how much is needed to elevate your temperature.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    5'8 205. Im looking to cut this next cycle since i put on some extra weight bulking. I just figured t3 could really help me get that look I want. Im already planning on eating a clean 2500cals.

    i've read the profile page but it doesnt say anything about duration/dosage. Ive read all sorts of things about it and they all kind of contradict each other. So I was just looking for some help and correct info.
    I ask because i dont like t3 or clen. I my self have used over the counter fat burnner and do cardio. It takes a bit longer to loss the fat but it works with not sied effects.

    If you run t3 start with a low dose like 80. Do that for the first 2 3 weeks and see how you feel. Then from there you can up it to 100. i would not run longer then 8 weeks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    no need to taper, been debunked before...on a new computer now, left old articles on other fried unit...anyhow, there is also a more accurate way of deteriming the optimal range for fat burning, and it's not about temperature (again, other computer, i'll start looking again)...but it is good to take while on a cycle, as i've read there is some suppression of natty thyroid while on, i go 1 tab a day...otherwise, clen is really a better choice IMO for fat burning (not to be outdone by an extremely strict diet and training regimen...nail those two, and you'll never need clen OR t3)...JMexperience...


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I ask because i dont like t3 or clen. I my self have used over the counter fat burnner and do cardio. It takes a bit longer to loss the fat but it works with not sied effects.

    If you run t3 start with a low dose like 80. Do that for the first 2 3 weeks and see how you feel. Then from there you can up it to 100. i would not run longer then 8 weeks.
    I myself have run it up to 12 weeks with no problems....That;s me though, another body may have some issues with this


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I found a cycle of clen/t3 in the members section. I was going to run it for 6wks. I figured Id use the 1mcg per bw method
    wk1: clen 60-120mcg/t3 50mcg
    wk2: clen off/t3 75mcg
    wk3: clen 120mcg/t3 75mcg
    wk4: clen off/t3 75mcg
    wk5 clen 120mcg/t3 50mcg
    wk6: clen off/t3 25mcg

    I just have 3 unanswered questions.
    Im running prop/tren and since it takes about a wk to kick in should I start the t3 at wk 2 to avoid muscle wasting?
    I already know how to break up the clen dose but what about the t3? Every 4 hrs?
    Can I take the clen and t3 dosages at the same time?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    I found a cycle of clen/t3 in the members section. I was going to run it for 6wks. I figured Id use the 1mcg per bw method
    wk1: clen 60-120mcg/t3 50mcg
    wk2: clen off/t3 75mcg
    wk3: clen 120mcg/t3 75mcg
    wk4: clen off/t3 75mcg
    wk5 clen 120mcg/t3 50mcg
    wk6: clen off/t3 25mcg

    I just have 3 unanswered questions.
    Im running prop/tren and since it takes about a wk to kick in should I start the t3 at wk 2 to avoid muscle wasting?
    I already know how to break up the clen dose but what about the t3? Every 4 hrs?
    Can I take the clen and t3 dosages at the same time?
    I wouldn't use that cycle. Again tapering down is pointless. Clen I would either run 2weeks on/2 off or run it straight throught with ketotifen or benadryl with it.
    T3 dose about 12 hrs apart. You can start the t3 as soon as you start the prop tren, they are both very fast acting. You can take clen and t3 at the same time.

  14. #14
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    I wouldn't use that cycle. Again tapering down is pointless. Clen I would either run 2weeks on/2 off or run it straight throught with ketotifen or benadryl with it.
    T3 dose about 12 hrs apart. You can start the t3 as soon as you start the prop tren, they are both very fast acting. You can take clen and t3 at the same time.
    what would you sugguest then?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    An example of something that you could do would be a 6 week cycle. Start your t3 at 25mcg and increase it every 3-4 days by 25 more until you reach your desired dose, then maintain that for the entire 6 week period.
    Lets just say you don't have ketotifen available, we'll go with the first 2 weeks on with clen starting at 60mcg and increase by 20 every day until desired dose is reached. Run it at a straight dose until the 2 weeks is over and then go off completely. Stay off for 2 more weeks and then finish off the last 2 weeks on clen again in the same pattern.
    Let's say you could get ketotifen, then your cycle would be set up the same way with t3. However the clen dose would be worked up by 20 again in the same pattern, however you'll stay on for the full 6 weeks. Now as far as how to use it, you can either go 2-3mg per day throughout the entire cycle or run it at a slightly higher dose for a week, every three weeks.

  16. #16
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    An example of something that you could do would be a 6 week cycle. Start your t3 at 25mcg and increase it every 3-4 days by 25 more until you reach your desired dose, then maintain that for the entire 6 week period.
    Lets just say you don't have ketotifen available, we'll go with the first 2 weeks on with clen starting at 60mcg and increase by 20 every day until desired dose is reached. Run it at a straight dose until the 2 weeks is over and then go off completely. Stay off for 2 more weeks and then finish off the last 2 weeks on clen again in the same pattern.
    Let's say you could get ketotifen, then your cycle would be set up the same way with t3. However the clen dose would be worked up by 20 again in the same pattern, however you'll stay on for the full 6 weeks. Now as far as how to use it, you can either go 2-3mg per day throughout the entire cycle or run it at a slightly higher dose for a week, every three weeks.
    ok so basically the only diff would be to start off t3 @ 25mcg and run the clen either 2on/2off or all the way through. Does the t3 need to be tapered off or can I go from 75-100mcg and just stop?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    t3 does NOT need to be tapered...

    and please see the profile section on Clenbuterol, and you'll understand why the 2wk on/2wk off theory is NOT optimal...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    t3 does NOT need to be tapered...

    and please see the profile section on Clenbuterol, and you'll understand why the 2wk on/2wk off theory is NOT optimal...
    do you mean at all? or just not down?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    DOWN...i had the study on my other computer, but i'll try to find it if you want...otherwise, it's stated and cited in the profile section...we're talking subjects who were supplementing up to two years straight, dropped off immediately, levels returned to normal shortly thereafter...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    DOWN...i had the study on my other computer, but i'll try to find it if you want...otherwise, it's stated and cited in the profile section...we're talking subjects who were supplementing up to two years straight, dropped off immediately, levels returned to normal shortly thereafter...
    So I could taper up to 100mcg by wk 3 and stay at that dose for the remaining 3kws and then just discontinue?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    thanks bro

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    What is the reasoning behind the NOT TAPERING DOWN?

    Don't you feel your thyroid will recover easier that way?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    What is the reasoning behind the NOT TAPERING DOWN?

    Don't you feel your thyroid will recover easier that way?
    It won't help you recover easier but it will suppress your thyroid for a longer period of time. Someone, who is very well-known, said that you might get sent into "thyroid shock" if you drop off suddenly but I don't even know where he got that information from. Your thyroid is suppressed for as long as you are taking exogenous T3. When you stop taking T3 your body has to start making it again. Pretty simple.

  25. #25
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    So I could taper up to 100mcg by wk 3 and stay at that dose for the remaining 3kws and then just discontinue?
    Yes, and you should definitly taper up to adjust to the temperature elevation.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    1,351 need to taper down (to whoever posted that)...gimme a min. to answer other posts, i'm gonna go back in my old threads, find article i posted...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    N Engl J Med. 1975 Oct 2;293(14):681-4.
    Recovery of pituitary thyrotropic function after withdrawal of prolonged thyroid-suppression therapy.

    Vagenakis AG, Braverman LE, Azizi F, Portinay GI, Ingbar SH.

    The pattern of thyrotropin secretion was analyzed in seven euthyroid women, before and after withdrawal of long-term thyroid hormone, by serial measurements of thyroid 131l uptake, serum thyroxine, tri-iodothyronine, and thyrotropin concentrations, and the response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone. During exogenous hormone administration, 131l uptake was suppressed, and serum thyrotropin concentrations before and after administration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone were undetectable. After withdrawal of exogenous hormone, thyrotropin secretory function was transiently impaired, as indicated by undetectable basal thyrotropin concentrations together with absence of response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and subsequently by normal values of basal thyrotropin concentration and normal responses to releasing hormone while serum thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine concentrations were subnormal. Decreased thyrotropin reserve persisted for two to five weeks. Detectable values of serum thyrotropin (less than 1.2 muU per milliliter) and a normal 131l uptake usually occurred concurrently in two to three weeks. Serum thyroxine concentration returned to normal at least four weeks after hormone withdrawal.

    you might need to subscribe to view full text of article, but if you're still in doubt, it may be worth it

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