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  1. #1
    rx8rone's Avatar
    rx8rone is offline Associate Member
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    Smile Question about test

    What do you guys think of test propionate ? Meaning is it a good mass builder?

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    its test
    all test are the same
    the ester brings out a few modifications
    longer esters are less potent than shorter esters since the ester takes up room from the raw test per mg but it is also insystem longer. but this can bring about greater bloat

    prop is great i love it but testE is more efficicent IMO since it can be produced at higher mg/ml and less frequent injects

  3. #3
    babybalz's Avatar
    babybalz is offline New Member
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    depends what you are looking for, water gain with bloat(test e or c) propionate is dosed less but i get alot less water and it just feels good. But of all you want is simple size run the test e just like tai boxa said they are both test just different lengh of esters. and most test e is @200-250mgs ml.

  4. #4
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    i wouldnt consider it a big mass builder. you will gain size from it but more lean than anything. if you want something for a bulker and your not too worried about bloat or lowering bf then you would be better off with test e or c.

  5. #5
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    or just get the best of both worlds and take some sus

  6. #6
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rx8rone
    What do you guys think of test propionate? Meaning is it a good mass builder?
    AFAIC, test is test...the prop or enantate or cypionate ester attached to it controls the relase in the human body of the test have to look at somehting:

    intially there was test suspention: pure testosterone was active as it got into the body and as such, it was hard to maintain stable serum levels of test except if one did multiple injections at very short intervals...

    then, researchers and chem companies started adding different esters to the test hormone, to render it more stable in the human body...keep in mind that test administered exogenously is usually for testosterone replacement therapies...therefore the main goals of those companies where:
    1- lesser injections
    2- greater availability of test in the body

    what happens with the esterified test is that once its in the body, the ester part has to be broken off the hormone to render it "active" so to speak...hence the so called half lifes of the different test esters...the shorter the ester (the smaller the number of carbon mollecules composing it) the faster it would break down....

    ok enough mumble jumble...what was the question again ??? ah yes is test prop a good mass builder...well it could be, if your diet and exercise routine are so if u eat big and lift big, u cant get but big...

    another point to note is that many associate test prop with cutting cycles because it is not as likely to cause water retention as longer estered test (cyp or enan)...

    personally, if I were to use Test at lare doses (>= 1.2), i would use test prop...

  7. #7
    slimsc's Avatar
    slimsc is offline Junior Member
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    great post...

    Quote Originally Posted by Othello
    AFAIC, test is test...the prop or enantate or cypionate ester attached to it controls the relase in the human body of the test have to look at somehting:

    intially there was test suspention: pure testosterone was active as it got into the body and as such, it was hard to maintain stable serum levels of test except if one did multiple injections at very short intervals...

    then, researchers and chem companies started adding different esters to the test hormone, to render it more stable in the human body...keep in mind that test administered exogenously is usually for testosterone replacement therapies...therefore the main goals of those companies where:
    1- lesser injections
    2- greater availability of test in the body

    what happens with the esterified test is that once its in the body, the ester part has to be broken off the hormone to render it "active" so to speak...hence the so called half lifes of the different test esters...the shorter the ester (the smaller the number of carbon mollecules composing it) the faster it would break down....

    ok enough mumble jumble...what was the question again ??? ah yes is test prop a good mass builder...well it could be, if your diet and exercise routine are so if u eat big and lift big, u cant get but big...

    another point to note is that many associate test prop with cutting cycles because it is not as likely to cause water retention as longer estered test (cyp or enan)...

    personally, if I were to use Test at lare doses (>= 1.2), i would use test prop...

  8. #8
    STYLE74's Avatar
    STYLE74 is offline Got Style?
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I hate the frequent injections of prop but i like the results i get from makes me super hard.

  9. #9
    rx8rone's Avatar
    rx8rone is offline Associate Member
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    thanx for the help i guess ill just stick with test e i was thinking about the test p cause it was a great price but i dont want to take frequent shots

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