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Thread: Leaning cycle

  1. #1
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Leaning cycle

    Im going to run test prop, stana, tren & clen for a leaning cycle. PCT is taken care of but my question is I want to take proviron during the cycle and I want to know how much mg per day I should be taking?

    If my calories are low enough, would there be a decent enough muscle gain on this cycle while loosing fat? From what I understand the calories need to be high on a cycle to gain muscle...
    Last edited by dildoman; 07-06-2006 at 03:12 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stats and cycle history please

  3. #3
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman
    Im going to run test prop, stana, tren & clen for a leaning cycle. PCT is taken care of but my question is I want to take proviron during the cycle and I want to know how much mg per day I should be taking?

    If my calories are low enough, would there be a decent enough muscle gain on this cycle while loosing fat? From what I understand the calories need to be high on a cycle to gain muscle...
    I Think it is safe to say that its impossible to gain muscles while on a diet especially a low carloie diet, its not happening bro.

  4. #4
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    My stats are 213 pounds 27yrs and 5.6 feet tall and body fat is 16%. As mentioned earlier of the cycle i will be taking, whats the best approach I should be doing for this cycle??? Im a little confused on the aproach I take on a leaning cycle...need help with calories intake...

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can either loose weight or gain weight. You can't do both. You have way too much gear in your cycle.

    What is your cycle experience? I'd assume with your stats that this is your first cycle. In which case a low dose test only cycle would be best. 250-500mgs weekly for 10 weeks is the best first cycle. With a low callorie diet, and lots of cardio you will lose the weight.

    Prop is not suggested for newbies, because of the ed injects.

    I'm sure you could loose alot more weight with just changing your diet and training ruitine.

  6. #6
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    first off, please post your pct, whether you feel it's "taken care" of or not, just to be sure...

    i feel that you should try prop and enathate (different cycles), and then determine which you like better...i personally don't like ed injects, and i'm no noob...

    and no, it is not impossible to gain lean muscle mass while cutting...i've done it...granted, it was only measured by an extremely expensive bioelectrical impedence machine, but it at least was able to show a huge loss of BF with a good size (10 or 15 lb.) gain in lean mass....oh, and that was drug-free. so i assume it's reasonable to believe it can be done with aas...

    you almost answered your own question Dildoman, heh (sup with that name?)...when you mentioned long as your diet is on, and i mean spot on, you can easily pull this off...and with that, i'd strongly recommend spending twice as much time in the diet forum as you ever do here...

    25mg/day of proviron is all you need, IMO, with most cycles, but i'm sure you'll have plenty on hand...if you start to see some bloat, up it...i always use proviron with test (increases FT in circulation), and since i never break the 1g mark/week, i never have issues...but that's just me.

    oh, almost forgot, you may or may not experience any prog. sides, so some keep on hand/take letro for that...i personally don't, but just to be safe...and also the bromo. for prolactin issues...(all in the profile on tren )...k done.

    Last edited by Alpha-Male; 07-06-2006 at 11:37 AM.

  7. #7
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Alpha male for your info ill take your advice in consideration. Enanthate is good but I prefer to use it with bulking, prop I would prefer for leaning. My PCT is 300mgClomid day 1, 100mg Clomid day2-6, 50mg clomid day7-11. Clen will be taken only during PCT 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 10 weeks.

    Cfiler this is my fifth cycle, Ive been on the bulk cycles using sus250, cyp, enanth, bold, deca stacking two at a time for each cycle. I now want to lean up and strip down to about 8% BF with the gear Ive already purchased.
    Last edited by dildoman; 07-07-2006 at 02:02 AM.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman
    My stats are 213 pounds 27yrs and 5.6 feet tall and body fat is 16%. As mentioned earlier of the cycle i will be taking, whats the best approach I should be doing for this cycle??? Im a little confused on the aproach I take on a leaning cycle...need help with calories intake...
    If your body fat is 16% id concentrate on lossing some of that unwanted BF before starting any king of cutting cycle, if you get as much off as possible naturally with diet and cardio you will be in a good position to start a cutting cycle and to achieve further goals.

  9. #9
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    If your body fat is 16% id concentrate on lossing some of that unwanted BF before starting any king of cutting cycle, if you get as much off as possible naturally with diet and cardio you will be in a good position to start a cutting cycle and to achieve further goals.

    Thanks marcus Ill take your advice.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    I Think it is safe to say that its impossible to gain muscles while on a diet especially a low carloie diet, its not happening bro.
    exactly because if this was possible i would be putting on GIANT MUSCLE w/ my cycle but since im dieting uber strct for a comp im getttting WEAKER LOL very weird

  11. #11
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    I think the approach Ill take is reduce my BF down to 10% from 16% without AAS, and then Ill do the cycle as mentioned above, and increase my calorie intake (clean food) to gain lean muscle mass and keep my BF low.

  12. #12
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    exactly because if this was possible i would be putting on GIANT MUSCLE w/ my cycle but since im dieting uber strct for a comp im getttting WEAKER LOL very weird

    Your getting weaker because of your reduced calories and carbs.

  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman
    I think the approach Ill take is reduce my BF down to 10% from 16% without AAS, and then Ill do the cycle as mentioned above, and increase my calorie intake (clean food) to gain lean muscle mass and keep my BF low.
    yep thats how i do it i cut till i kan see abs deceantly then bulk till they dissapear wash rinse repeat

    and yeah carbs = str IMO like u stated

  14. #14
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    What would be a sufficent amount of tren take with prop? Ill be running 100mg eod of propionate and just curious if I should take 100mg or 50mg eod...

  15. #15
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    If your gonna go EOD then 100/100mg is good. I personally do 150/150mg prop/tren EOD.

  16. #16
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    If your gonna go EOD then 100/100mg is good. I personally do 150/150mg prop/tren EOD.

    Sounds good, thanks.

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