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  1. #1
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    T3: How long to kick in?

    Hey, I'm up to 100 mcgs ED and I'm not feeling anything and no sign of a speedy metab. What do you think? Bogus stuff? I'd be very disapointed.

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    What are you expecting to feel?


  3. #3
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    hmm, well, the results should be immediate, at least for me they got pharma grade r what? no supplier name, just manufacturer (or say UGL)...i always thought "nobody would ever fake t3, would they"? heh, had a batch of liquid t3, swear ta God it was frikin' cherry juice...i suppose you may not be reacting to it the way some do, have you tried taking temp in a.m.?

  4. #4
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Hmm. That's too bad. On the upside, the purple coloring is working. It does taste like grape flavoring so, the flavor is working. This T3 is a chemical made for "research purposes only" but my experiment involved ingesting it.

    Can you guess where I got it from? That said, I've gotten nolva from him too and that seemed good.
    I'm not going to jump to conclusions but I am starting to get concerned. I haven't contacted him yet but I think I'll write him an email inquiring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    hmm, well, the results should be immediate, at least for me they got pharma grade r what? no supplier name, just manufacturer (or say UGL)...i always thought "nobody would ever fake t3, would they"? heh, had a batch of liquid t3, swear ta God it was frikin' cherry juice...i suppose you may not be reacting to it the way some do, have you tried taking temp in a.m.?

  5. #5
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    naw dood, yeah, i could probably guess, but i got some nolva and pro from the same place, and again, you get what you pay for...i wouldn't even bother. chalk it up to experience, don't be such a cheap-ass like me, and get the goods...

    but i do know what you're looking to "feel"...for me at least, i felt the frikin' heat comin' off my body, and i had a steady sweat goin' most of the day (no, no tren involved) i hear ya

    kinda like that crappy jitter, bullshit Clen ...oops, off topic, sorry

  6. #6
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    I don't expect anything specific but I'd imagine a different feeling from increased thyroid. I'd definately expect weight loss. I like your avatar incidentally. It reminds me of the old "double" or evil twin theme or that alter ego motiff like in fight club. A little Good Swole/Bad Swole duplicity.

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    What are you expecting to feel?


  7. #7
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    i think it's "Bad Swole" today... j/k haus, good ta see ya...

  8. #8
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    My T3 is Grape Flavored too,... im honestly not sure if im getting anything out of it either...Im on tren and i have noticed sweating sometimes, but im pretty sure thats the tren and not the T3.

    How exactly do you know what your bodies tolerance is? Im at 100mcg ED, and on week 3.
    Im not really feeling any big differances while im on my T3. I'de think I should be getting dramatic changes like you do on Clen , you notice an immediate difference.

  9. #9
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Did you get yours from "the house" as well? How about the clen . Clen ala Lion?

    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    My T3 is Grape Flavored too,... im honestly not sure if im getting anything out of it either...Im on tren and i have noticed sweating sometimes, but im pretty sure thats the tren and not the T3.

    How exactly do you know what your bodies tolerance is? Im at 100mcg ED, and on week 3.
    Im not really feeling any big differances while im on my T3. I'de think I should be getting dramatic changes like you do on Clen, you notice an immediate difference.

  10. #10
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Yea i have the same stuff..
    Clen works really well... T3 doesnt seem to cut it. I've read around that it is due to low iodine levels, but supplmenting with Kelp doesnt seem to work

  11. #11
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    That's ashame. That's like throwing away fifty bucks. At least that's one way of putting it. I don't want to say too much here. I'll just talk to him directly.

    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    Yea i have the same stuff..
    Clen works really well... T3 doesnt seem to cut it. I've read around that it is due to low iodine levels, but supplmenting with Kelp doesnt seem to work

  12. #12
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    Yea i have the same stuff..
    Clen works really well... T3 doesnt seem to cut it. I've read around that it is due to low iodine levels, but supplmenting with Kelp doesnt seem to work
    Your T3 doesn't work because it is bunk. Iodine supplementation doesn't have anything to do with it, it's a myth. In fact, in Japan excessive iodine intake (due to eating seaweed all the time) is a leading cause of hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid). Iodine doesn't do anything unless you are suffering from low iodine levels, which most American adults are not.

    Here is another fact, iodine isn't necessary if you are taking exogenous T3 because YOU ARE TAKING EXOGENOUS T3! T3 and T4 and made up of 3 and atoms of iodine respectively and your thyroid needs iodine to create them (in fact, thyroid cells are the only cells in your body that can absorb iodine), but if you are taking T3 your thyroid output is going to be suppressed isn't going to be producing the hormone anyways.

    Myth busted.

  13. #13
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Well, I felt my T3 kick in the same day. I was feeling warmer, and much more hungry. Slight nausous, but probably due to the hunger. I also had mine from T3.

    The bathroom scale also said that it worked.

  14. #14
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    how much do you guys weigh and how many mcg of t3 were you using? Was it with clen and how did you seperate the dosages?

  15. #15
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    This would be a relevant question if it were working t3. I've been told by two other people on this site that Lion's T3 didn't cut it for them either. How do I feel? Paying fifty dollars with no result? Can you imagine?

    Lion told me that I probably shut down my thyroid and in the same private message, he said I should add Iodine.
    That seems a little disingenuous so I'm not going to pursue it further with him because he doesn't seem to want to make it right.

    He told someone else this too and it made no difference for that guy. I just threw it out. It may be futile to follow this up any further with him but it's obviously not fair. Fifty dollars and the only thing that worked was the purple food coloring and the grape flavor. It's not right and for anyone else who has a similar experience, maybe we should each contact the system administrater. Anyone want to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me. This is a good site and I have nothing but positive things to say about it. But this particular situation is not right.

    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    how much do you guys weigh and how many mcg of t3 were you using? Was it with clen and how did you seperate the dosages?

  16. #16
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Lion told me that I probably shut down my thyroid and in the same private message, he said I should add Iodine.
    That seems a little disingenuous so I'm not going to pursue it further with him because he doesn't seem to want to make it right.
    The function of the thyroid is to create T4 and T3. If you are taking T3 it doesn't matter if your thyroid is shut down!!!!! In fact, if you are taking real T3 your thyroid shuts down on it's own.

  17. #17
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    You wont really 'feel' much....maybe some heat waves during the day but not all the time....the mirror should be your best bet for judging wheter its real or not...but give it a week to burn some fat of ya, its not a miracle drug

  18. #18
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should definitly feel some temp increases on 100mcg. Monitoring your temp will allow you to actually see if your temp is increasing if you're not sure if you feel it.

  19. #19
    demirsteel's Avatar
    demirsteel is offline Junior Member
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    I used 100mcg's day on my cutting cycle and believe me 16mg/s /day salbutamol much more pronounced effect on my body temp. I do not feel anything when I add 100mcg T3 to my diet. However, I see the results at the end. I do many cycles (bulk/cut) my exprience is with T3(plus heavy juice) I burn more fat, build more muscle.

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